On this January 9 National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (L.E.A.D.), “we show our support for our nation’s approximately 780,000 police officers.” What it means to lead was poignantly demonstrated by first-City-of-Lakewood-Police-Chief Larry Saunders whose life of leadership was cut short too soon with his untimely and unexpected death just this past January 6th.
Westside Story – Junk Mail
How many of you out there are sick and tired of junk mail? I am. Everyone complains about junk mail, but no one does anything about this insidious problem. I have good Leap Year news for you. Many of you know I am a closet inventor having invented many high demand inventions such as the […]
Letter: “Governments using their citizens as ATMs”
Also known as “policing for profit.” What do the following have in common? Backyard BBQ’s where the applied steak sauce yields – in the opinion of the smoke-detectors, aka Lakewood Code Enforcement Officers (CEOs) and Community Service Officers (CSOs) contracted with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) – too much pollution?
Letter: What can you do for $10,000?
Now that the Clover Park School District (CPSD) has announced it will put before the voters on Feb.9, 2016 a “replacement educational programs and operations levy proposition,” while not necessarily a levy-breaker this is nevertheless an opportune time to consider what you can do for $10,000. Ten-thousand dollars is the estimated price to purchase a […]
Westside Story – Passing The Buck
I have a couple of serious life and death stories I am not going to share with you today. Those stories date back to c1972 and c1985. Both tragedies occurred in and around the intersection of 75th St SW & Bridgeport Way SW. Today’s upbeat story is titled, Passing The Buck. My story title is […]
Westside Story – No More Traffic Deaths
I love my title, No More Traffic Deaths. Actually, it is not the title I love. I love the result my title describes, no more traffic deaths. Safe driving is something I think about and work on every day.
Westside Story – Apple iPhone Saves Lives
I wish to share with you an important life saving discovery, especially if you use an Apple iPhone. If you use another brand of phone, you might still benefit from a quick scan of my written words if you are willing to follow-up to see if your brand of phone provides the same life saving […]
Westside Story – Ghost Writer II
Do you remember my Halloween story from last month titled Ghost Writer? I have to say that first haunted photo showing the legs of a ghost was scary enough. Our sharp eyed publisher, Ben Sclair, spotted a second ghost near the bottom left corner of the Milford Antiques & Friends sign.
Westside Story – KPLU-FM Plays Low Notes & High Notes
I recently wrote a story titled Death of KPLU. While I do not wish to repeat my previous article, I do wish to add some follow-up information by providing you with a couple of links to other related stories.