This Sunday, we remember the end of World War I, Armistice Day. “We” as in those who still remember people who lived through it. Because since then it has been overshadowed by so many wars that seem to have hit closer. And the generation born at the beginning of this century might not even be […]
Book Signing with Susanne Bacon at SHMA Christmas Store
You may have read my Friday column “Home from Home” in the Suburban Times. But have you also ever read one of my Wycliff novel series? Here is another opportunity for you to meet me, have a chat, and get yourself a signed copy of my very latest book, “Clean Cuts”.
Chief Justice Guy, DL Fowler go Swimming Upstream
Chief Justice Richard Guy (retired) of the Washington State Supreme Court and Larry Fowler ”The Lincoln Guy” discuss the Supreme court in Abraham Lincoln’s time and now when they meet Dorothy Wilhelm on Swimming Upstream. Is the Supreme Court in our time working the way it was intended? I don’t know, but we’ll find out.
Westside Story – Water On The Brain
Candid photo of teenager resting between scenes at play gives new meaning for the term, water on the brain.
Letter: Losing big in sports, but not in life
“You’re going to lose a lot. Learning how to deal with it is one of life’s greatest skills,” declared Ron Upshaw in yesterday’s KIRO Radio broadcast. The eight-year-old Jr. Hawks had lost their hockey game 41-0.
Home from Home: Vibrance, Flavors, Fragrances
The other day, in a local supermarket, I was standing in the dairy aisle, looking for my usual brand of sour cream. It was clean sold out, so I was checking out different brands. To my utter surprise one of the tubs said “Natural flavor added”. You know me by now: I was not only […]
Westside Story – Vote For Library or Homeless Camp?
Pierce County Library (PCL): Thank you for your article explaining the library ballot issue from your professional and knowledgeable viewpoint.
Westside Story – Toilet Safety
Did you know the smallest room in your house can be the most dangerous room in your house? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every year about 235,000 people visit emergency rooms because of injuries suffered in the bathroom, and almost 14 percent are hospitalized.
Home from Home: Service Stars
“Service Desert Germany” – unfortunately that is one of the self-bestowed nicknames of my mother country. At least it was true in many ways when I lived there. Who knows where it derived first or whence? I guess it all started when Germany recovered from World War II. At first, pretty much everybody was lending […]