The Lakewood Planning Commission voted 4-2 Wednesday evening not to permit marijuana retail in Lakewood sending their rejection notice on to the Lakewood City Council.
Westside Story – Kids Will Be Safe; Not Really
There is a lot of conversation going on right now related to Lakewood City Council’s upcoming decision regarding allowing or disallowing marijuana dispensaries inside the city. In plain English, the question is, Do we want dope shops or do we not want dope shops in Lakewood?
Letter: Lakewood City Hall’s Cannabis Christmas Tree, 2018
Even as Lakewood’s former Deputy Mayor John Arbeeny prepares the opposed-to-marijuana side of the debate against Cynthia Macklin, pro-marijuana Lakewood resident and her husband Ed Tuck, III – the show-down to be sponsored by Lakewood United at Burs Restaurant, Feb. 22, 7-8 A.M. – Lakewood Police bust “a very professional operation” of a marijuana grow, […]
Westside Story – Moles In Lakewood Part I
Back in 1959 my parents, sister and I arrived in the Puyallup Valley in an old dump truck overflowing with our possessions. We looked like the Beverly Hillbillies, but we felt more like direct decedents of Ezra Meeker. We were moving to Puyallup, the land of opportunity.
Letter: What’s your cause? Choose carefully, then stay the course
And don’t count on the government to rush to join you. This coming weekend, and the next are gi-hugely (hyperbole – in this case meant to be taken literally – a combination of gigantic and huge) significant for two reasons.
Westside Story – Lake Steilacoom Aids Contamination
Anyone who wishes to enjoy beautiful Clover Creek, Lake Steilacoom, Chambers Creek, or Puget Sound, be warned. These wonderful creations of Mother Nature are now threatened with a new kind of contamination including aids.
Westside Story – Balance
The following photo reminds us to maintain balance in our lives if we want to enjoy a rock solid life style.
Westside Story – Sign Of The Times – Marijuana In Lakewood
As you probably realize, I am dead set against doing anything in the City of Lakewood that encourages poor decision makers or those already addicted to marijuana to smoke a joint in our city.
Letter: Lakewood’s lottery (rental inspections, not gambling, although maybe) begins this month
Would this house – if it were a rental and if it were in Lakewood and not Disneyland – pass the single-family criteria of Lakewood’s Rental Housing Safety Program (RHSP)? Yes, at least that which pertains to the exterior. While there are no house numbers “not less than 4 inches in height and minimum stroke […]