Really? She is writing about sandwiches today? She must have run out of topics. What’s there to write about some slabs of bread and some toppings? Well, if you are a foodie, you don’t get past sandwiches. And if you love history, you will find some pretty interesting stories around them. Let me share you […]
Islands of Resilience
A lot of us are looking back in history these days, most probably because they want to find out about how people 100 years ago dealt with the Spanish flu and its aftermath. But these days, there is another historical date coming up that changed the world in Europe 75 years ago: European V-Day on […]
Letter: Lottery purchases unaffected by virus so support (sex) education
On March 23, the “Lottery Post” broke down every state’s lottery response to Covid-19. Here, according to Lottery Post, was Washington’s: “Business as usual, with no changes in operation or claiming of prizes.” Washington’s official lottery website has a link for “Responsible play during Covid-19.” You can still buy tickets for “both Washington-based and multi-state […]
Westside Story – Failure To See The Light
An avid reader of Westside Story, who is also my favorite daughter, Paige, sent me the car vs. traffic-light pole crash photo below. The image speaks volumes to me. It reminds me that a majority of drivers fail to “see the light” when it comes to driving safely. To help my readers “see the light,” […]
Letter: A homeschooling irony
Harvard would ban homeschooling. The National Education Association (NEA) would ban homeschooling. And yet what hath the coronavirus wrought? Homeschooling. The Editorial Board of the Tacoma News Tribune (TNT) recently opined with regards “Washington’s new sex education law (that) if parents don’t like it? Two words: Opt out.” They might. Altogether. “The coronavirus pandemic has […]
Letter: This little light of mine – in the coronavirus, a candle in the window
She’s so little. ‘Petite’ a stranger called her. She has just learned to walk and while she’s already become quite proficient and doesn’t at all need my help, still I extend way down to her my hand and she, reaching up, will grasp one finger of mine in her little grip, and off we’ll go. […]
Letter: Banning fireworks, the Coronavirus, and mandating Sex Education
Borrowing from an argument put forth by Ryan T. Anderson, substituting specific issues but still examining the principle: ‘If Thomas Jefferson and James Madison came back to America today and heard about the proposal to ban fireworks in local municipalities; or about how parents were responding to the forced education of their children at home; […]
Across the Fence: Daffodils
The other day, our sweet next-door neighbor and friend, Anita, gave us flowers from her garden – bright yellow daffodils. I placed them in a vase on our dining table, and they seemed to be a spot of sunlight in their own right. It made the cheerful setting even more cheerful. And it made me […]
Letter: The great battle being fought over Sex Education in Washington Public Schools
Ultimately, it is about the erosion of the privileges and responsibilities historically, not to mention biologically, we believe – or used to – are, or were, rightfully the purview of parents. It is apparent, however, that public schools would now parent, having been mandated that authority. Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law this past Friday, […]