A press release from City of Lakewood. The Lakewood Police Department and Police Chief Mike Zaro will hold an online auction of unclaimed property from the Lakewood Police Department Property Room. The auction will commence on or after Monday Aug. 23, 2021 at www.propertyroom.com.
14th Annual Radio Gala presents GOTHIC HORROR
An announcement from Lakewood Playhouse. Lakewood Playhouse opens its 83rd Season with its 14th Annual Radio Gala, a live presentation in classic radio show style. Join us for the gothic vampire horror story, CARMILLA, based on the novella by Sheridan Le Fanu. Directed by James Venturini. Wine available for purchase (21+).Tickets may be purchased ONLINE or by […]
Health Department reopens beaches and public access points along Chambers Creek
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department lifted closures at Sunnyside Beach Park, Chambers Creek Regional Park beaches, Chambers Bay Creek Canyon, and Kobayashi Park. A sewage spill occurred upstream of those areas on July 20. Bacteria levels have gone down and it is safe to recreate in these areas. […]
Across the Fence: Let the Mind Travel
It is summer, and although a lot of people are usually traveling for their vacation, a certain virus has curbed our options big time. Some find it deeply disturbing. Traveling is a symbol of freedom, after all. At least if one can choose one’s destination, can take along anything one wants, and finds all the […]
Lakewold Gardens seeks Customer Service Assistant
Lakewold Gardens is looking for someone to fill a part-time Customer Service Assistant position, click here to download the full job description including required qualifications. Sound like the perfect job for you? E-mail us a resume and cover-letter to: khayner@lakewoldgardens.org
Western Pond Turtles return to Lakewood
A news story from Office of Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen. Last Friday, I participated in an event organized by the Woodland Park Zoo and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife as they released over 30 young Western Pond Turtles into the pond and wetland found at the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area. If you […]
Vet Clinic, Aug ’21
What are your feelings as the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after 20 years of US involvement? Mobile Apps – PTSD: National Center for PTSD VA Secretary appoints new Veterans Law Judges to adjudicate more appeals for Veterans VA announces new options to help Veterans avoid foreclosure Patriot Boot Camp Partners with Berkeley College to help the […]
Movie Night at Lakewood History Museum Has Special Treat for Attendees
A news story from Lakewood Historical Society. Lakewood History Museum’s first movie night of 2021 kicks off this coming August 24 at 6:30 pm. The movie is the critically acclaimed “Stan & Ollie”, the untold history of America’s greatest comedy team. The film will be shown free to the public. Light refreshments and popcorn will […]
Petition to save Lakewood’s Garry Oaks
Submitted by Lakewood Garry Oak Conservancy. Our Garry Oak trees in Lakewood are in peril from rampant development, warehouse concrete, and deficient City planning. We are appealing to the City Council to adjust its code for these ancient and endangered trees. If so moved, please sign the petition. It is also in Korean to help […]