A story from City of Lakewood. The Parks & Recreation Advisory Board voted unanimously last night to deny an application to rename Fort Steilacoom Park in honor of Dr. Claudia B. Thomas. The park will remain Fort Steilacoom Park. Residents may apply to rename Lakewood Parks & Facilities. When an application is completed, a public hearing is scheduled […]
Lakewood Water District message on utility moratorium expiration
The Governor’s utility moratorium will expire starting September 30, 2021. This means late fees and water disconnections will be reinstated beginning October 1, 2021. For Lakewood Water District customers who are currently past due with their water bill, this process will ensue unless a payment arrangement is in place or a payment is received by […]
Broadway Bound – Lakewood Playhouse Review
Broadway Bound is a dream . . . a goal for two brothers working to achieve stardom via writing their own jokes and sketches. “The final play of the Eugene Trilogy (Brighton Beach Memoirs, Biloxi Blues) Broadway Bound is the semi-autobiographical play closest to Neil Simon’s own life. Broadway Bound premiered on Oct. 6 1986 […]
Complete FAB Film Schedule with Show Times, Special Events and More
An announcement from Phil Raschke. The complete FAB 2021 Film Schedule is now available. Schedule lists all films, show times, special performances, movie talk back, prize drawings and more. Check it out, select your films and then make plans to attend. The 2021 Film, Art, Book (FAB) Festival will be held October 8, 9, 10 […]
Letter: 14 stock Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporter deceptions and how to respond
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Below labeled #1 through #14 are the most common deceptive statements you will hear from Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporters to any challenge of their orthodoxy. You’ll hear their deceptions time and again as part of their narrative. They seek to deny, distort, distract, detract and disavow the very nature of […]
Lakes and CPHS Students Receive Elizabeth Wesley Awards
A press release from Clover Park School District. LAKEWOOD, Wash — Lakes High School junior Jacqueline Tapp and Clover Park High School junior Ernest Balezi received Elizabeth Wesley Youth Merit Incentive Awards. The award recognizes and honors African American youth in grades nine through 11 for academic excellence, community involvement and good citizenship. The Elizabeth Wesley Youth Merit Incentive Award […]
Community Work Day at the Lakewood Wildlife Area, Oct. 2
Submitted by Alan Billingsley. A Community Work day (Saturday, Oct. 2, 9 am-1 pm) will take place at the Lakewood South Sound Wildlife are (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Road). The Fall Cleanup and install the next two benches on the trail system. Come join Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs, Pierce […]
Lakewood’s 25th Anniversary Celebrated with Street Festival
A press release from City of Lakewood. LAKEWOOD, Wash. – The City of Lakewood celebrated its 25th Anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 25 with a street festival in Colonial Plaza. International performances representing Thailand, Mexico, Korea, and Guam showcased some of the rich cultures comprising Lakewood. The event also featured live music by Chapter 5 and Michael Powers, local food trucks […]
Correction: Link to Chief Leschi presentation fixed
A letter from Willie Frank III, Nisqually Tribe Chairman, who opposes changing the name of Ft. Steilacoom Park included a link to a presentation on Chief Leschi. That link – click here – in the original post has now been fixed. I apologize for my error.