Clover Park School District announcement. Clover Park School District is celebrating American Education Week by highlighting some of the great teachers providing students with the opportunities they need to learn and grow in the classroom. Today’s featured subject is science. Susan Grewe, Tillicum Elementary School Tillicum Elementary School fifth grade teacher Susan Grewe makes science […]
Lakewood Author Susanne Bacon Launches New Novel Series
Have you ever read a fictional book centered on a military spouse? I haven’t. And as I have been pondering to write a series for years now, I thought I’d make my protagonist one of this literarily neglected species. It is obvious that I could use some of my few years’ experiences as a military […]
Clover Park School District Celebrates American Education Week: English Teachers
Clover Park School District announcement. Clover Park School District is celebrating American Education Week by highlighting some of the great teachers providing students with the opportunities they need to learn and grow in the classroom. Today’s featured subject is English. Darcy Magee, Tyee Park Elementary School Tyee Park Elementary School third grade teacher Darcy Magee […]
Lakewood Water District Draft Budget topic of Nov. 18 Meeting
Submitted by Lakewood Water District. The 2022 Draft Budget of the Lakewood Water District will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for review and discussion at a Regular Public Meeting to be held on November 18, 2022, commencing at 3:30 p.m. This meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams. Consult our website at […]
Pierce College alumna stops at nothing to achieve educational goals
Pierce College story. Although Giovanna Sanabia was on the brink of homelessness when she began her journey at Pierce College, she was determined to do everything in her power to achieve her dream of earning a college degree. Giovanna’s grandmother used her last paycheck to send her family from Panama to the United States for […]
Clover Park School District Celebrates American Education Week: Math Teachers
Clover Park School District announcement. Clover Park School District is celebrating American Education Week by highlighting some of the great teachers providing students with the opportunities they need to learn and grow in the classroom. Today’s featured subject is math. Katrina Howe, Carter Lake Elementary School Carter Lake Elementary teacher Katrina Howe lets her third […]
Lakewood Playhouse presents A Christmas Carol … More or Less
The LAKEWOOD PLAYHOUSE, re-opened to public performances, continues its 83rd Season main stage with A Christmas Carol … More or Less a two-person version of the venerable holiday classic. Sarah and Charlie, a married couple, run a small theatre that is presenting A Christmas Carol–until Charlie shows up backstage to say the cast and crew […]
Senior Drive-Through Event on Wednesday
City of Lakewood announcement. Lakewood seniors are invited to stop by and say hello at the City’s monthly drive-through event. Lakewood Senior Drive-Through SocialWednesday, November 17 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood WA 98499 November’s theme is gratitude. Gratitude is an appropriate theme for the holiday season, and […]
Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro at Nov. 18 Lakewood United Meeting
Lakewood United Program – LPD Chief Mike Zaro is speaking on Laws, Lakewood, and more. Lakewood United will have a General Public Meeting Thursday, November 18, 2021 at Burs at 7:30 – 8:30 AM (Burs opens at 7 AM for breakfast). We have a specific program ask that no questions or talking until the Speaker have finished. […]