City of Lakewood announcement. Lakewood Mayor Jason Whalen hosts bimonthly “coffeehouse” sessions to invite open conversation with residents. Mayor Whalen will host a Community Coffeehouse session on Thursday, March 24 to invite open conversation about public safety and community policing with residents. Hosted every other month, Community Coffeehouses are opportunities for open conversations with the […]
Water is precious
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. Water is a precious resource, especially following a disaster. It is recommended that you store at least two weeks’ worth of water, which is one gallon per person per day. Plastic containers with a screw cap lid are the ideal containers to use to store water. Glass bottles, old […]
Letter: Local Restaurants and Lack of Respect for Customers Dining In
Submitted by Phil Roy. This has happened three times over the past few weeks. My wife and I have gone to three different restaurants here in Lakewood. We went to breakfast at the Black Bear Dinner one morning and waited about 40 minutes after we ordered for our food to arrive at the table. When […]
Clover Park School District Fall Kindergarten Registration Begins March 16
Clover Park School District announcement. Will your child be five years or older before Aug. 31? Launch their school journey and register online for kindergarten. Kindergarten registration for the 2022-23 school year at Clover Park elementary schools will open on Wednesday, March 16. Clover Park offers learning experiences to make sure your child has the […]
Lakewood’s Christopher V. Kimball Again Achieves Prestigious Top of the Table MDRT Qualification
Submitted by The Million Dollar Roundtable. Dr. Christopher Kimball, CFP, MSFS, AEP, CMFC, CLTC of Christopher V Kimball Financial Services LLC in Lakewood, WA has qualified for Top of the Table, a coveted milestone achievement for his membership in the Million Dollar Round Table. Top of the Table is an internationally recognized mark of excellence […]
Clover Park School Board to Host Public Hearing and Board Meeting on March 14
Clover Park School District announcement. LAKEWOOD, Wash. — The Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors will hold a public hearing and regular meeting on Monday, March 14. The public hearing will begin at 5 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 6 p.m. Both the public hearing and board meeting will be held in-person […]
The Lakewood City Council March 14 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on March 14 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
CPSD Promising Future: Aiden Sukola
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Harrison Preparatory School senior Aiden Sukola. He has attended Harrison Prep since sixth grade and knows the hallways like the back of his hand. “I’d say the school is very unique because it’s small and such a tight-knit community where everyone […]
Lakewood City Manager March 11 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) March 11 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.