City of Lakewood announcement. Phase 1 (Gravelly Lake Drive and Washington/Interlaaken) Communication companies have been diligently moving their lines off the poles at the four intersections within the project limits. They are approximately half way through the relocations that are needed and have completed the relocations necessary to keep the contractor on schedule at the […]
CPSD Promising Future: Tele’A “TJ” Tua
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Hudtloff Middle School sixth grader Tele’A “TJ” Tua. TJ has nearly completed his first year at Hudtloff and loves the community he joined this year. “I love watching over the school, saying ‘hi’ to everybody in the morning and checking […]
The Lakewood City Council April 25 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on April 25 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Lakewood City Manager April 22 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 22 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Two Life Saving Awards Presented to Local Heroes
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. At the last Board of Fire Commissioners meeting, West Pierce Fire & Rescue recognized not one, but two people with Life Saving Awards. Mark Sawyer was driving and witnessed a significant collision, which resulted in a victim needing CPR. Mark and two others stopped, called 911 and performed CPR […]
Stewardship of Waughop Lake: A Response
Submitted by Jim Kopriva, City of Lakewood Communications Manager. Crime, homelessness, climate change, traffic, housing affordability, water quality, flooding, garbage dumping, zoning…. the issues before us are endless. Resources are not. Waughop Lake has endured a history of abuse. We now shake our heads at how the water was treated long ago. Indeed, the lake was […]
Help plan the future for Lakewood and Tillicum Pierce County Libraries
Pierce County Library System announcement. PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – The Pierce County Library System and the City of Lakewood are forming a community advisory committee to help determine how the Library System can provide quality services in a safe, welcoming space for Lakewood and Tillicum residents. The Library System and City are taking applications for the volunteer committee now through […]
Clover Park Technical College Hosts Scholarship Fundraising Events
Submitted by Kara Snyder, Clover Park Technical College Foundation. The Clover Park Technical College (CPTC) Foundation office is busier than usual on this chilly spring day. Janet Holm, Executive Director, left a donor cultivation meeting to buy books for a student who is currently unhoused and living in a tent while working on their degree. […]
CPSD Staff Spotlight: Shelby Hill
A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Beachwood Elementary School first grade teacher Shelby Hill. This is Shelby’s eighth year at Beachwood and her appreciation for her school and colleagues has only grown. “We have such a team culture here, and we build each other up by encouraging each […]