Submitted by Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that we will install blue lights for Lakewood’s Nights of Lights for a third year. To give you some background: Norton Clapp and his wife Mary, developed Lakewood Center (The Colonial Center), one of the first shopping centers west of […]
Tips for Supporting Students This School Year
Clover Park School District announcement. The 2022-23 school year is in full swing. Students at every level are back in class learning, making new friends and developing new interests. If you are a parent of a Clover Park School District student, here are some tips to help your student maintain a strong start to the […]
Four Credit Union’s Support Local Service Projects
Submitted by Angel Phillips, AVP Marketing, TAPCO Credit Union. Tacoma, WA – In celebration of International Credit Union Day, four local credit unions are teaming up to complete three local service projects on October 20, 2022. America’s Credit Union (DuPont), TAPCO CU (Tacoma), Sound Credit Union (Tacoma), and Harborstone Credit Union (Lakewood) are coming together […]
The American Scene – SEASONS (over troubled waters)
Submitted by Bob Warfield. My laptop weather app permits multiple locations and includes sunrise, sunset, among various data. I’ve added Talkeetna, AK, having passing affection for its long days, hot shower, pizza, moose droppings, glacier ready air service, and the sprawling Susitna’s receding shore, releasing space for a pea patch in May Yesterday, my weather […]
West Pierce Fire & Rescue Battalion Chief to speak at Lakewood United
Lakewood United announcement. Battalion Chief CRR (Community Risk Reduction) Lance Nelson from West Pierce Fire and Rescue will be our guest speaker at Lakewood United on Thursday, October 20, 2022 (7:30am to 8:30am) at Burs Restaurant (and virtually). Come join us as we learn about: Fall/Winter prevention in our homes General fire safety in the home/Smoke Alarms! Programs […]
Letter: CPSD “Inside Schools”: Academic achievement and parental involvement. A change of emphasis?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. CPSD “Inside Schools”: Academic achievement and parental involvement. A change of emphasis? I received the latest issue of CPSD Inside Schools, September 2022 and was mildly surprised to see the emphasis on academic achievement and parental involvement in their children’s education. Superintendent Banner writes: “We are steadfast in our support of […]
Fall Safety Day at West Pierce Fire & Rescue
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. On Saturday, October 22nd, West Pierce Fire & Rescue will host its annual Fall Safety Day event. This event is fun for the entire family and of course, every child receives a free pumpkin! There will also be a food drive held at the event, so please bring your […]
CPSD Promising Future: Olivia Williams
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Custer Elementary School first grader Olivia Williams. Olivia is enjoying all the new subjects her first grade class is learning, but her favorite lesson so far this year was about number bonds. “It teaches you addition and it’s been really fun […]
Do you have an escape plan?
West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post. Do YOU have a fire escape plan? While we hope you never have to put it in action, having one is important. Visit our website for more information on how to create one for your household.