Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) November 4 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Kiwanis Club of Clover Park Install New Officers
Submitted by Jerry Dunlap. The Kiwanis Club of Clover Park recently installed club officers for the 2021 – 2022 Kiwanis year. John Caldwell will serve as club president and Nick Formoso is the president elect. Ken McDonald is the treasurer, Jerry Dunlap secretary, and Thomas Thompson is the immediate past president. Gini Dryer Dow, past […]
Across the Fence: An Easy Holiday Dinner
Halloween is over, and the holiday season is near: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s. Add maybe a birthday, an anniversary, a retirement, and you might feel compelled to change things up a bit, foodwise. Especially since most Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations include ham or turkey, or both. After three or four socials of this kind you […]
Change Your Clocks & Test Your Smoke Alarms
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. Wondering what to do with that extra hour we’ll have this weekend during Daylight Savings? Change your clocks and check your smoke alarms! This is a great time to test your smoke alarms and change any batteries that may not be working. Become familiar with your smoke alarms, as […]
West Pierce Fire honors those continuing their education
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. We support and encourage our personnel to further their education. Which is why we are thrilled to recognize our latest master’s degree graduates. Congratulations on your hard work and a job well done!
Letter: Deliver
It is said that there are three phases to life that are difficult: Start-up, Keep-up, and Give-up. Start-up is hard. Remember those days when you were so few in number anybody who raised their hand there in that first-grade classroom was on the team? And in life, as in baseball, keeping up is harder. It […]
CPSD Staff Spotlight: Ted Henderson
A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Oakbrook Elementary School PE teacher Ted Henderson. Ted joined Clover Park School District as a teacher for Oakbrook in 1989. He taught fourth and fifth grade for seven years before becoming a PE teacher and has enjoyed seeing the generational impact he […]
13th Annual Fallen Officers Food Drive
Lakewood Police Department social media post. November is officially here and we are gearing up for the 13th Annual Fallen Officer Food and Blood Drive! We have lots of spots available for the blood drive, so make sure you get yours scheduled today. We look forward to seeing you on the 29th & 30th!…
Hey Lakewood, Got Junk?
City of Lakewood social media post. Got junk? Our free community cleanup is THIS Sat & Sun (8am-2pm; last car in at 1:45 p.m.). Proof of Lakewood residency required. Full list of accepted items:… All loose items must be bagged; 5-minute unload time limit enforced to keep things moving.