“What’s wrong with gentle?” was my first thought upon reading today’s conversation prompt that popped up in my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book “A Pocket-Sized Jumble of 500 + Writing Prompts.” What context does this line come from? Though well-read, other than “Under Milkwood” and “A Child’s Christmas in Wales”, I can’t remember anything that I […]
Programs Enrich Learning in Clover Park School District
When walking on the second floor of Harrison Preparatory School, visitors are often greeted by the loud singing coming from Ryan Harris’s choir class. The sound of music echoes through the halls as students prepare for performances and competitions. That sound represents a key part of the high school experience. Clubs, extracurricular activities and elective […]
Across the Fence: Gesundheit
What do you say when somebody sneezes? Some of you may say “God bless you”. Others will use the Germanism “Gesundheit!” (pronounce: ga-‘zoont-hite), which means health and is a kind wish on the sneezer. How this word made it into American English? Because of the vast numbers of German immigrants, of course. Don’t ask me […]
Episode 2 of Lakewood MLK Committee video series
The second episode of a three-part video series airs today. This video highlights members of the Lakes High School football team sharing how Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote is at play in their lives. “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But no […]
Home Heating Safety: Essential Tips to Protect Your Family
Did you know home heating is the second leading cause of home fires, following cooking? In fact, heating equipment is a leading cause of home fire deaths. Protect your home and your family with these tips. Space Heaters: A Common Risk Space heaters are a convenient and popular way to heat chilly spaces. To ensure […]
Deputy Involved Shooting in Lakewood
At 11:00 am, on Wednesday January 24th, two of our deputies located a stolen vehicle and announced it took off from them and had a flat tire at 96th St E and Steele St E. Deputies located the vehicle at the 9600 block of 40th Ave SW in Lakewood unoccupied. Deputies were able to locate […]
Local Financial Planner Achieves Prestigious Top of the Table MDRT Qualification
Submitted by The Million Dollar Roundtable. LAKEWOOD, WA – Dr. Christopher Kimball CFP, MSFS, CLTC, CMFC of Christopher V Kimball Financial Services has qualified for Top of the Table, a coveted milestone achievement for his membership in the MDRT organization. Kimball’s membership equips him with tools and resources to better serve his local community. Top […]
Letter: Who Are You Going to Call?
Is there a Red Phone to be used only in emergencies on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office of the White House? When your neighbor’s house is on fire, waking you up from a deep sleep in the very early morning, do you remember the three-digit number to call? When a cat gets its […]
CERT Training Registration Now Open
West Pierce Fire & Rescue (WPFR) invites community members who live or work in Lakewood, University Place and Steilacoom to attend the next session of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes. The training will be held March 5-23, 2024 and registration is now open. Aimed at preparing groups in the community to prepare for and […]