The Lakewood City Council’s next Regular Meeting will take place on March 3 (7 pm). Access the agenda and ways to attend here.
Lakewood City Manager February 28 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) February 28 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Let’s Talk! – Ground Cinnamon Sprinkled Over Sugared Toast
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: Breakfasts in most countries seem to be sweet. I grew up on open jam sandwiches and cocoa as a little one. I hated both. I […]
Clover Park School Board to Host Special Meeting/Workshop on March 3
LAKEWOOD, Wash. — The Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors will hold a special meeting/workshop on Monday, March 3, at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing a candidate for the District 4 Director vacancy. The meeting will be held virtually and will be live-streamed on Zoom and YouTube. Individuals can attend online by visiting the meeting […]
City of Lakewood RFQ for Edgewater Park Development
City of Lakewood (City) is requesting statements of qualifications from firms qualified and interested in providing professional design, engineering services and construction management to assist the City in the development of Edgewater Park, located at 9102 Edgewater Drive SW Lakewood, WA. The City proposes to complete all necessary design and construction of the programmatic elements […]
Letter: Was the Battle for Iwo Jima Really Necessary?
Submitted by Eric K Chandler. REFERENCE: Mr Gregory Alderete ’s REPLY to My Letter: First of all, Somalia Veteran Alderete, thank you for your service and…welcome home my friend…I’m glad you made it back, when far too many others did not. I am a veteran as well…I retired from the US Army as a Chief […]
Across the Fence: Vorlage
Every once in a while, literature plays into Germanisms in the English language, such as the term Vorlage (pronounce: ‘for-laa-gah, meaning original model/template). In fact, there is the claim (and I think, rightfully so) that no author ever writes anything without including a Vorlage in one way or another. There are archetypes we use that […]
Small Business Success Starts Here: Free Workshop Helps Entrepreneurs Navigate State Resources
Starting or growing a small business can be challenging, but the right resources can make all the difference. To help local entrepreneurs succeed, the Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Washington State’s Small Business Liaison Team to present From Start to Smart Business, a free seminar designed to connect business owners with essential state […]
Lakewood Playhouse to present an Industry Night performance of The Laramie Project, March 2
For our current season of productions about Building Community, we are holding a Pay What You Can and Industry Night performance to bring our artistic community together, show gratitude for our local theatre artists and offer an opportunity for local artists to see shows at a lower price point. As a member of our Auditions […]