If I sit down to write something for my Facebook page and my mind is a blank, I check to see if there is a national celebration for something of interest. I was not disappointed on the 28th day of July. The only real thing of interest was “July 28th is Buffalo Soldiers Day.” “The […]
Across the Fence: The End of a Road
This year, I’ve not been watching the Olympics so far. I remember happier games from way back when that stick to my memory. The 1984 ones in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, will stay my favorite ever. Maybe it’s my end of the road in following up; the Olympic games have become a muddle of impressions […]
The Americans with Disabilities Act Celebrated 31 years this week
On Monday, the 26th of July, President Joe Biden held a ceremony at the White House to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). “Thirty-one years ago, on July 26, 1990, our Nation moved closer to the fulfillment of its foundational promise when we passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). […]
Bully – And by Opposing End Them – Film Review
“Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict. Bullying is a subcategory of […]
St. Vinnies – Lighting the Way – Dinner Topic of Conversation
I joined my wife for dinner at a meeting of her (Tacoma – Pierce County) Soroptimist International – Tacoma group. We were sitting at a long table in a lovely backyard in University Place. Because of COVID, there had been no meetings in 2020. Although we discussed their upcoming golf tournament fund raiser in September […]
Across the Fence: Poetry in Motion
When was the last time you were over in Gig Harbor, Washington? Seen everything? Done it all? Even the fun gnome quest that is happening in the area? Well, there is something new going on, and you might like to head over and explore it, while taking a pleasant, healthy walk. What’s it about? Echology. […]
The Yankles – Funny and Interesting Film Review About Jews and Baseball
I have several favorite baseball films that I re-watch from time to time: The Final Season, Talent for the Game, 42, and Off the Black. They’re about baseball, but they are also about life and like life they are funny, touching, and worth watching and learning learning from; I have added The Yankles to my […]
Lakewood Playhouse Lives On with a Fantastic 2021-2022 Season
During COVID I worried constantly about our local theatres. Each one is a friend that supplies dreams, laughter, and tears. I would miss them horribly if they disappeared. From serious drama to out and out foolishness, Lakewood Playhouse has been a long-time supplier of mirth and caring. I recently attended the re-opening/closing of the 2020 […]
All Shook Up – Elvis and Musical Theatre
We have a brand-new great-grandson, whose middle name is “Memphis.” He’s named in honor of his grandmother, one of our very best friends. Andi, a London Brit who met and married a Peace Core volunteer Randy Melquist, who thrown out of Libya with all the other Americans when Gaddafi came into power. The family came […]