It was Peg’s older sister Pat’s birthday. We hadn’t dined out at a really nice restaurant in some time. We decided on The Melting Pot in downtown Tacoma to celebrate. We met there at noon on Saturday. We were led to a room with little semi-private dining areas. We had tried them years ago and […]
I Married a Witch – A Short Story
I was taking a plastic bag of trash to the condo pick-up bin when I heard Marie yell over at me, “How’s it going Jake?” I was still fairly knew to the group. We all had our own apartments and everyone I’d met so far were nice . . . and quiet. Places I’d stayed […]
Across the Fence: A Jewel at our Doorstep
Last weekend we explored our region again. Would you think that after eleven years of living around Western Washington, there are still new discoveries to be made? Indeed! A drive to an area a little beyond Enumclaw took us to the Green River and its incredibly romantic landscape. Luckily, we had decided to go early […]
Artie and Me on the Streets of New York – A Short Story
World War II was over and I didn’t have to sail to Europe or Japan. I was on the streets of New York and anxious to see the big city. I was born in Nevada, Misouri, and believe me, Nevada, was a lot further from New York than a couple of bus tickets. I was […]
Terms of Endearment – Starts this Week at Tacoma Little Theatre
Tacoma Little Theatre begins its 103rd Season, “The Start of Something New”, with Terms of Endearment, adapted by Dan Gordon and based on the book by Pulitzer Prize-winner Larry McMurtry and James L. Brooks’s screenplay of the Oscar-winning film. Terms of Endearment is directed by Blake R. York (The Pillowman). Terms of Endearment won Oscars […]
Transportation Club of Tacoma Live Meeting with Speaker Rob Howell of Columbia Trust Company
The Transportation Club of Tacoma is excited to announce our September luncheon on 9/13/2021. We are really thrilled that we are BACK IN PERSON! This is our first live meeting since the start of the pandemic. We’ve got a great lunch lined up and we are moving back into a familiar setting for this event. […]
Writing and The Whole Wide World – Movie Review
I had no idea what The Whole Wide World was about, but it turned out to be about writing. Storyline:“In 1933 Texas, a schoolteacher and aspiring writer meets a pulp fiction writer, and a relationship soon develops between the two, but it is doomed by his slavishly devotion to his (pulp fiction writer) ailing mother […]
Chloe, the Beloved Service Dog – A Short Story
It was my buddy’s birthday and I invited him out for a round or two. We’re both long divorced. I could afford to splurge a little bit, knowing that my birthday was just two weeks off and I figured that Jimbo would reciprocate. We had a great time, ate what was bad for us and […]
Across the Fence: The Shades Between
“Why do you hate him so?!” The ensuing “discussion” was one of bashing each other for holding a different opinion. It could also have been the question, “Why do you love him so?!” It set me off on another path of pondering only recently. Indeed, is there really only hatred or love around us these […]