Add clams to the Washington State symbols “chosen following dedicated research.” A cryptid – “an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated” in Washington’s case Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch – was the nomination Valentine’s Day, (don’t you love it?) February 14, 2017. Not to be outdone, the delectable, flavorful, some might even say beautiful […]
Fresh Paint for St. Vincent de Paul
The thrift store and receiving center for St. Vincent de Paul in Tacoma has a new coat . . . of paint. Inside people can find warm clothing for themselves and their families to finish out our cold winter. Don’t worry, the mural facing South 56th Street is still artistically sound and one of the […]
Across the Fence: Soaring sky-high
The other day, I tagged along with my husband to the 36th Annual Northwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show at the Washington State Fair Center in Puyallup. He was going to hold down a booth. I had a book with me in case it became too boring. I was expecting a presentation of aviation products […]
Odd Fellows, but Not Well Met
My friend Denny called about 11:30 to invite Peg and me out to lunch. He suggested a fairly new restaurant near by, but I wasn’t ready to try it for a second time, yet. It had been too noisy, when another friend and I had eaten there. I suggested the new Odd Fellows in Westgate. […]
Letter: Kamala Harris, the Pandora’s Box of presidential hopefuls
This time it’s legalization of prostitution. Harris is for it. In recent days it was legalization of pot. “The world needs more joy,” said Harris, and cannabis is the cure this presidential candidate proffered for whatever sadness ails mankind. What’s sad is Harris’ rationale. ‘As long as nobody is hurt’ Harris said in an interview […]
Angry Housewives – Young at Heart Players – TMP
Angry Housewives: It was a cold and damp Sunday evening, and still a good-size crowd came. It wasn’t a sellout, but then I think Tacoma Musical Playhouse can seat more than 300 guests, which is a huge venue for a short run musical. People were chatting, waving to their friends and shaking hands in the […]
Westside Story – Is Common Sense Dead?
Anne, who has become one of my faithful national Westside Story readers from New York got me to thinking after she sent a piece published in the London Times dealing with common sense or the lack thereof. When I was growing up, my parents drilled the concept of common sense into my developing personality. Common […]
Buck Benny Rides Again…
I was in Notre Dame, Indiana, an unincorporated community in the Michiana area of Northern Indiana, north of South Bend and four miles from the Michigan state line. I was there to watch a football game. I was comfortable and sitting on the hotel bed watching Buck Benny Rides Again, an old BW musical comedy […]
Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Flute Experience
One of our granddaughters participated in an Instrumental Solo/Ensemble Contest at Ferrucci Junior High in Puyallup on a recent Saturday. I’m not sure how much of a contest it was, but Peg and I enjoyed the performances of ten young students. We sat in a classroom. There was a piano for the accompanist if required […]