This time it’s legalization of prostitution. Harris is for it.
In recent days it was legalization of pot. “The world needs more joy,” said Harris, and cannabis is the cure this presidential candidate proffered for whatever sadness ails mankind.
What’s sad is Harris’ rationale.

‘As long as nobody is hurt’ Harris said in an interview in which she advocated for the decriminalization of sex work.
“When you are talking about consenting adults, I think that, you know… yes. We should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed.”
What’s the harm in hemp? What’s the problem with prostitution?
They are part and parcel of a Pandora’s Box come ajar.
There is a debate among scholars of ancient Greek mythology as to whether Pandora’s Box contained evils that were perpetuated on the planet when they escaped thanks to a quizzical maiden whose curiosity got the best of her, or whether contained within the cannister were blessings not curses.
Blessings that were borne away, not to then be bestowed on humans but rather virtues escaped and lost forever.
As 6th-century BC Greek poet Theognis of Megara:
“Trust, a mighty god has gone, Restraint has gone from men,
and the Graces, my friend, have abandoned the earth.
Men’s judicial oaths are no longer to be trusted, nor does anyone
revere the immortal gods; the race of pious men has perished and
men no longer recognize the rules of conduct or acts of piety.”
“As long as no one is being harmed,” per Harris, is a Libertarian philosophy which advocates that “crimes without victims” should be repealed.
There are no victims of liberalized and legalized marijuana laws?
There are no victims of liberalized and legalized prostitution?
Harris may be able to sleep at night after advocating such avarice (synonyms: addiction, lust and pointless stupidity) but Dayton Moore can’t.
Moore is Kansas City Royals general manager.
He said, “I don’t sleep at night when we don’t confront issues that are hurting our team, our family, our community.”
What made Moore restless? What issues did he believe hurt his team? Why did he toss-and-turn over the damage being done to team member’s families, the larger community? Over what did he wrestle?
That which at best describes Harris as flippant, is that over which Moore is frustrated – pornography, and what pornography is simply an advertisement for: prostitution.
Ironically, one day after major media were exposing New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft as having patronized a prostitute, Sara Israelsen-Hartley’s story was published in the Deseret News in which the Royals GM said he asked “Fight the New Drug” (not marijuana but pornography), “a nonprofit anti-pornography activist group to come talk to his players about pornography and what it can do to people.”
“Even winning the World Series in 2015,” wrote Hartley of Moore, “isn’t as good as knowing that his team’s families are doing well, their marriages are healthy, and their kids are thriving.”
In other words, Harris et al, there are victims. It does matter what you permit because it becomes that, said Moore, which “you promote. That you fail to confront, you condone.”
And if you fail to keep the lid on the box of virtue’s blessings, they will be borne away.
Forever lost.
Meanwhile Harris continues to act as if she’s “in a competition to be the most crazed, left-wing candidate possible,” flirting desperately to secure the African-American vote one day, only to back away from the idea only a few days later. (Source: Malachi Bailey, “Conservative Tribune”, March 6, 2019)
Wow! Who can resist comment on an opinion piece that manages to get into the same offering Kamala Harris, self-offered candidate for first U.S. woman, Pandora, Greek mythology’s offer for worldwide first woman, a baseball piece from Deserset News, and a gnomic (opinionated) 6th-century BC Greek poet, Theognis of Megara. I stand in awe of the range! Let me comment in order: Harris can take care of herself— or not. Pandora, made from clay, has gone back to it, leaving humankind only Hope left in her jar of Curses, turned by 6th century gnomes into Blessings. Dayton Moore, Kansas City Royals general manager, quotes himself as a little Caesar if there ever was one: ” What you permit, you promote.” Good authoritarian family man, not big on choice. Some assemblage! Yes, I stand in awe— if not cheek to jowl.
What’s “sad” is not so much “Harris’ rationale,” as what’s been done to that perfectly harmless, understated, little word. In Donald Trumph’s mouth “sad” has become a meaningless epithet, a clue that he is clueless as to what is coming out that’s worthy of respect or belief. Talk about sad! No, better: vile! If you’re going to snap at something, put some teeth into it.
Who the hell is this moron, Elder? Free speech and all, presents idiocy in salacious nonsense.
With all due respect to my Elders – or not – thank you – or not – for your rather vacuous response which, while covering the players mentioned in the article, missed the final score of the game which was, to the less obtuse, that there are consequences to how we vote: for expanded inanities as espoused by the likes of Harris, or more conservative values – those that remain – as trust, restraint, grace, fidelity to judicial oaths, how we behave ourselves – conduct and piety.
Not that those evidently matter to you.
Enough teeth in that for you?
Kamala Harris, California Senator grew up priviledged, Her Indian born mom was a breast cancer researcher at UC, Berkeley and Dad was a Jamaican Stanford economist. She worked at the Alameda County District attorney’s office failing her first try at the state bar and was allowed to work there until she passed.
Ms Harris Senate career has been unremarkable. She garnered publicity with her inquisition of Brett Kavanaugh.She’s now running on a redistributionist’s dream platform of Medicare for All, a $6000 guaranteed income for households earning less than $100,000 and tax credit for renters who spend more than 30% of their income on rent..
Her financial jaunts to the Hamptons and penchant for first class travel will draw criticism from rivals.
But what makes Ms. Harris formidable is that she synthesizes all the varieties of current Democratic politics.