Lakewood’s Deputy Mayor Jason Whalen “asked Council to think about responding appropriately to some of the Suburban Times articles versus not responding.” While there is nothing further in the minutes of the February 13 Study Session (p.30) as to what Whalen was referring to, assuming he had in mind the 64 articles that have been […]
Westside Story – It’s A Wonderful Life
Recently I had the pleasure of celebrating my friend, Shane’s, birthday. Apparently, I am not his only friend based on the number of party guest vehicles spilling out of his driveway into the street. Inside the house, it was shoulder to shoulder friends and family having a great time together with good food and beverage […]
Westside Story – Boyle Adds 2 Cents to Anderson Letter
On February 17, 2017, David Anderson wrote a thought provoking letter titled, Cryptids and Fungi — news of the weird from the State Capital. According to the Oxford dictionary, a cryptid is an “animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated.”
UP for Arts Spring Arts & Concerts Series
Submitted by UP for Arts Concert goers are in for a treat this Spring during UP for Arts 2017 Spring Arts and Concerts Series. Bach with a Rock and Roll twist, outstanding choirs and favorite tunes from musical theater are among the featured offerings.
‘Terp’ defies Trump; now seeks to serve America first-hand
Growing up in Afghanistan, Safi Zamir loved his country, but was troubled at the unrest. Children would play on the burnt-out rusting Russian tanks. Warlords maneuvered poppy farmers in increasingly more dangerous campaigns. Safi heard that Osama bin Laden struck out against the world’s largest superpower.
Letter: Cryptids and fungi – news of the weird from the State Capital
Though “scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot,” (aka Sasquatch) “and consider it to be a combination of folklore and misidentification rather than a living animal,” still there is at least one (legislator) who believes the hairy hoax should be honored with a bill in its (his, her, whatever) honor. A Bill for Bigfoot. A Senate […]
Letter: Tweaks of the law vs. thrusts of the sword
There is a bill before the state legislature in the current session concerning rentals that would require a tweak here, a tuck there, of the Landlord-tenant act. In other words, just tidying things up a bit.
Letter: What if it’s not about winning but about character?
What follows is the letter sent out regular mail today to our sponsors from years past in preparation for our fourth season of Tillicum Crusher baseball. Keep your fingers crossed.
Westside Story – Buddy Holly
Buddy Holly died on February 3, 1959, in an airplane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa along with Ritchie Valens and J. P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson. Tacoma Musical Playhouse (TMP) just opened their rendition of the play, The Buddy Holly Story. It is a musical bursting with the songs many of us grew up with […]