“I am always a child advocate and seeking to speak out on the best interest of children.” Who said that?
Building the Wall – A Stage Reading
A stage reading sounds boring, but is anything but. It’s a form of theatre without sets or full costumes. Imagine reading a book to a young child. It takes more that just reading the lines to keep children interested – voice inflections, expressions, gestures. It’s the same with audiences. A stage reading involves actors and […]
The Scottish Play – Macbeth – Backyard & Beyond
A couple of years ago I was invited to a private performance of Macbeth by my friend Robin Evans-Agnew. Peg and I took our grandson Riley, who was staying with us for the weekend. The performance was staged in Robin’s backyard and a local park a hundred yards away. The play used regular people in […]
Planting the Seeds for Early Childhood Learning
Early childhood education is a necessity when it comes to having a well-developed child. Education happens in many ways through a school system as well as the work that is done by parents at home. Developing a love for learning early is important so that the child looks forward to the learning process. Learning can […]
Home from Home: Vacations
Germany is the world champion in traveling and has been so for ages. No matter how legendary Japanese traveling groups are around the world, snatching photos of everything, Germans have been there and done that before. Whether individually or in organized groups, whether high-fangled luxury trips to exotic places or eco-friendly social excursions, there’s something […]
Fear, Hatred, Acceptance, Reconciliation, Welcome
I was ten years old when I saw “Dateline: Korea” on The Loretta Young TV show. It’s the only episode I recall from the series. In the story, the plight of poverty-stricken war orphans forces a hard-nosed war correspondent to face the flesh-and-blood effects of her cynical editorials. Loretta meets a young Korean orphan on […]
Lakewood First Lions donates sight kits to CP school district
The Lakewood First Lions Club purchased and donated 11 sight kits to the Clover Park School District. Washington State recently imposed new vision testing requirements, requiring both near and far sight tests for students. These sight testing kits provide each school nurse with the tools to accomplish those tests.
Letter: The educational system has failed our youth
How else do you explain the results of a recent poll that teens think marijuana improves their performance behind the wheel? No really.
Letter: Character, the basis for making right decisions
Whether it’s the choice to make marijuana available locally because, after all, the people voted for it; or treating the homeless as if they were helpless because, after all, without the government making available all manner of public provisions the poor will remain so, these and other examples of profligacy hardly serve as a best […]