Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Have you ever thought over how much your reading shapes your mindset, but how it also is defined by what nation you belong to? Obviously, most people’s first books will be in their mother tongue. Mine weren’t. And my favorite was an American one, “One Morning in Maine”.
Swallowing Spiders
Submitted by Don Doman. It’s a fact: Americans swallow eight spiders each year. They enter your mouth while you sleep. Last week there was a dead spider in the water glass I keep by my bed. When some of my friends send me outrageous claims about almost anything, I search on Snopes for the truth. […]
FAB Fest Features Kate Breslin
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Want to meet one of this nation’s finest authors of historical fiction? Then come to the FAB fest and have Kate Breslin sign books for you. In 2015 she received Christian Retailing’s Best Award for First Time Author, and since her first novel about a Jewess in Nazi Germany she has […]
Westside Story – Ok, Ok, I Talk Too Much
By Joe Boyle. For my entire life, I have lived with an internal debate regarding whether I am an exciting personality and fun to talk with, including a propensity for telling fascinating stories, or if I am a bore because I talk too much.
Friendly Towns, Wild Animals, and Tame Friends
Submitted by Don Doman. I stepped outside to pick up the morning papers. It was gray and cool. No cooing doves welcomed me, no bunny sitting in the grass and watching for movement down the hill. Perhaps, everyone was sleeping in this morning. There weren’t even tiny ants crawling on the steps . . . […]
Westside Story – Voter Test
Submitted by Joe Boyle. For a number reasons, I am hesitant to advise you on who to vote for in any of our upcoming political races, including the race for Pierce County Prosecutor. I am not reluctant to share several voting tips with you to help make your voting process more meaningful.
FAB Fest Features Food for Thought
Submitted by Susanne Bacon. Want to rub elbows with some of this nation’s most imaginative people? Authors of local and national, even international repute will sign their books at the first author/book section of the 6th Annual Lakewood Film, Arts, & Book (FAB) Festival, formerly known as Asian Film Festival. As we approach the event, […]
Westside Story – Joe Boyle Declared Missing
Submitted by Joe Boyle. READER COURTESY NOTE: If you have at least an 8th-grade education, it should take you 1 minute and 28 seconds to read today’s, Westside Story. Readers from all over the United States have asked a prominent burning question. What happened to Joe Boyle? We have not read any Westside Story articles […]
Letter: My wife is ‘unremarkable’
Submitted by David Anderson. The head of the Oncology department was reviewing on the big screen monitor the positron emission tomography (PET Scan) image results taken of my wife from nearly head to toe.