By vote of the board of the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA), there will be no monthly meeting this Thursday, January 2, the first Thursday of the month normally set aside for folks to gather. But we’ll return February 6th. On behalf of the community we wish you the best and the brightest of New Year’s! […]
Help! Peggi’s Cooking A Turkey launch event Jan. 5
If you’re looking for the perfect event to end the holiday season – that will be the launch event for the brand new delightful teeny tiny book, Help! Peggi’s Cooking a Turkey by Peggi Selden Rowe. The Launch will be held at the Oldfield Western Heritage Center on Sunday, January 5, 2020 from 12-3 pm. This […]
Across the Fence: May It Bring Luck!
Numerous are the customs and traditions we stick to in order to bring about good luck for a new year. This year, we are expecting an entirely new decade to begin, and I bet a number of you have already made plans how to change their lives, have bought bubbly, might pour molten lead to […]
Westside Story – Comments Please
The other day I was leaving a business in Dupont. Well, it was not really Dupont, but I am taking poetic license to say it was Dupont because I do not seem to write about Dupont very often. Maybe it is because not much goes on in Dupont. Or perhaps it is because a lot […]
Favorite "Go To" Places
We all have our favorite business places to visit. They know their stuff, they provide great service, and they have really nice people working for them. Top tier places for me are H & L Produce/Tacoma Boys, Pacific Grill, and the Shell Service Station on North Stevens in Tacoma. For keeping me on the road, […]
Westside Story – A Question of Prayer
As a writer, I have the responsibility and power to distract you from the heavy burden of thinking daily about Pelosi, Trump, and impeachment. To see if I succeed in taking your mind off politics, please read my next five paragraphs. Just last week, we met with estate planning lawyer, Bert the Barrister; not to […]
The Holiday Vortex – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
The December holidays are a magnet for old thoughts and feelings. Our memories lie in wait for just the right moment to spring a heart-felt trap and propel us to events and moments of both pleasure and pain. Regardless, a journey to the past usually comes with our own commentary and shaded truths, but sometimes […]
Westside Story – X-Ray Vision
Credits: Sidewalk Terminology Research Analyst – Larry King; Professional Thespian – Jimmy Howe; Staged Accident Accomplice – **Loree. Thus far, I have accumulated 76 years of life-experience on planet earth. Twenty-five of those years were cop years that catapulted me to the center of a multitude of tragic incidents. My accumulated life experience triggered a […]
Westside Story – Felon Friendly – Another Steilacoom First
During my 25 years in law enforcement and for many decades before, our old criminal justice system has focussed on chasing and apprehending felons. Our current deep-rooted crime-fighting system is not working, as is evidenced by the fact that crime is still pervasive in our society. I cannot explain why we continue to repeat the […]