JBLM turns 100. It has survived two world wars and a police action or two and a few BRAC panels. I’ve spent many a night in those rickety North Fort barracks. They were built for the second war to end all wars which were intended to be destroyed antebellum; says the Pentagon… ‘nuh-uh’. Kids gave […]
Home from Home: Auf Wiedersehen!
Another year is reaching its end. To this day, my Friday column “Home from Home” has reached the number of 74 short essays in almost one and a half years of contemplating differences between my native country and my new home country, writing, and sharing it with you. So many of you have reacted in […]
Donate those unused eyeglasses
Looking to donate those eyeglasses you’ve had laying around the house for a long time? Look no further than the Lakewood First Lions Club, which has been collecting and recycling used eyeglasses since 1954. The used eyeglasses collected by the club (more than 8,000 in 2017) are processed and packaged by the Northwest Lions Eyeglass […]
Robin Hood and the Plight of the Arrow
“Robin Hood, Robin HoodRiding through the glen.Robin Hood, Robin HoodWith his band of men.Feared by the bad,Loved by the good,Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood” That little ditty has been running through my mind since 1955. “The Adventures of Robin Hood,” which ran for 143 episodes from 1955 to 1959. In the fall of 2018 […]
Getting Things Off My Chess
In the sixth grade at Navy Base School in Lakewood I would watch my fellow classmates play chess. It’s like Yogi Bera said, “You can observe a lot by just watching.” I bought a cheap chessboard and some plastic chess pieces and looked for opponents. That summer some contractors who were working at Ft. Lewis […]
Ruining Solitude for a Penny
We have a major storm of useless incoming calls in our future. “Nearly half of all cellphone calls next year will come from scammers,” that was not on my 2018 Christmas wish list. The news comes from First Orion, a call blocking technology company. Who would have guessed that a new year’s resolution list for […]
Westside Story – Hypocrites Promote Kid Danger
Christmas is just around the corner. A lot of kids will be getting the trikes and bikes they asked Santa for. To keep your child safe, please do three things, starting on Christmas Day, when you head out on your fun family bike rides. Leading by example. Kids learn by watching adults. Size the […]
Letter: Wise guys – maybe not who you think
The end of the year poll of most trusted professions – those viewed most honest and ethical once again outpacing all others – places nurses first, members of congress last, the latter tied for untrustworthiness with telemarketers. Celebrities didn’t make the cut. Some of the possible reasons: ‘To avoid wrinkles, sleep on your back, rather […]
Baby, It’s Cold Outside but Warmed by the Memories
Like many people in America I was first exposed to the glamor and excitement of New York City and Broadway musicals by watching “I Love Lucy” on TV in the 1950s. The 1955 episode “Lucy and the Dummy” featured a clip of Frank Sinatra singing “Adelaide” from the production “Guys and Dolls.” In the 1957 […]