Admittedly, sometimes a photo strikes one’s eyes before you even come up with a story. These are two of that kind, and I found them on the sites of two of my German Facebook friends, who are friends of each other, as well, and like to take photos of the same motives from different angles. […]
Boyle’s Double Take – Food at Stake
On January 4, 2020 when my Double Take writing partner, Susanne Bacon, suggested the unique photo below I was stumped. What was I going to write about? Susanne did not stage this one of a kind image. A friend of Susanne’s happened upon the actual scene in Germany and captured it with her camera. With a stroke […]
Gourmet Burger Shop Gig Harbor – Restaurant Review
My buddy Rob and his brother Paige helped me move a truck load of office dividers from Port Orchard to my home office in Tacoma. We did men’s work and deserved a break after loading, hauling, and carrying cubical panels. Well . . . okay, so it was only three dividers, but we were hungry. […]
Letter: Like buried treasure inspires the imagination, so life-stories told by fathers and mothers inspire courage and conviction
We had just finished reading “Blackbeard’s Ghost” to our ‘little pirates’ so off they went, child’s yellow beach shovel in one hand and blue bucket in the other, to search for the ‘x’ etched in the soil left eons ago by this nefarious ne’re-do-well. They found it too, the ‘x’ and the treasure buried beneath […]
The Wolves – Lakewood Playhouse Play Review
The Wolves is a play about fear and anxiety by playwright Sarah DeLappe. What better target is there for angst than teenagers in general and teenage girls in particular? The play premiered Off-Broadway in 2016. Wolves was a 2017 Pulitzer Prize Drama finalist. The play opens with a girls soccer team, The Wolves, stretching and […]
Two neighborhood homicides topic of Tillicum meeting
The Lakewood Police Department will have a representative at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting March 5, 6:30 P.M. “to discuss the two recent homicides and any other issues/concerns.” The TWNA meets at the Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW. In the neighborhood newsletter for March, there are four links to Tacoma News […]
Moving On Up – Property Values Expanding
We recently enjoyed an adventure in Edgewood. We stayed in one of the latest developments. Just driving to Edgewood and then touring Puyallup, Milton, Federal Way, and Fife we saw new building going on in both housing and business work space. As the major corporations in Seattle and the East side expand, their local populations […]
Souper Pho at Westgate – Restaurant Review
Donn, Denny, and Jim are always apt to call and ask about meeting them for lunch. Thursday about a quarter past noon Donn called to see if I would like to meet him at Souper Pho. Thirty minutes later we were looking over the menu. Well, actually that’s not true. Donn almost always orders the […]
Across the Fence: The Cost of Reading
The other day, I reposted a meme on Facebook, reading somewhat like this: “Why are people ready to pay $ 4.99 for a cup of coffee, but hesitate to buy a book of that price?” A moment later, one of my author page’s friends answered somewhat like, “I don’t understand this either. But why does […]