“Expect to see trains going 79 mph through Tacoma, Lakewood and DuPont soon,” reads the headline in the January 7 Tacoma News Tribune.
“We have demonstrated, I think, to them (Pierce County communities) and everyone else that all of the necessary safety measures that Amtrak is expected to take before this testing have been fully submitted and reviewed and approved,” Rogoff (Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff) said.

Safety measures like what?
Since that fateful day when Amtrak left the track on its inaugural run December 18, 2017 – the train having failed to slow before the curve just south of Tillicum, spilling passenger cars onto I-5 killing three and injuring more than 70 – Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Amtrak and Sound Transit say they “have taken these recommendations seriously.”
Following a 17-month investigation of the derailment, conclusions – and consequent changes – were handed down by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
Among them:
Though “reduced travel time” has always been one of the primary goals behind the $165.3 million Point Defiance Bypass project, getting there faster now will mean trains will at least approach that curve and the bridge slower.
According to WSDOT’s website, “Sound Transit implemented graduated speed restrictions approaching the curve where the derailment occurred, going from 79 mph to 50 mph to 30 mph, with more speed limit signage prior to each incremental decrease.”
“Expanded crew training, redesigned safety training courses” and less fragile train sets are to be purchased to protect passengers in the event of another disaster.
My wife and I along with two other couples took the train to Centralia the weekend before the wreck. It was a marvelous day for us and one we hope to repeat . . . now that the track, the train, and the speed limits are safer. – https://thesubtimes.com/2017/11/14/one-of-the-last-trains-to-centralia-with-puget-sound-views/
Thanks for the updates.
79 mph. Safe? You betcha.
165 million bucks. Saves 10 Minutes. You betcha.
COVID 19. Mass transit is making tons of money. You betcha.
Stupidity. You betcha!
Its a darn shame that Now this project is safe due to 3 dead men, and 70 injured passenger’s on it’s first run 3yrs ago. Can the operating Engineer, the Driver, shut down any run due to mechanical problems, as in the rear car having zero operating Brakes? How about a full signed pre-operational safety check on all systems required by Law before this train moves 1 foot out of the Tacoma Station? A pre-check on the Engineer before this train is approved for transport, who checks to make sure the engineer is healthy if he is the only one in the cab? What is so important that 10 minutes is the goal time to reach here, is there free hot pizza waiting at the Portland Station for all to eat? Sounds like bragging rights to me, 10 minutes is a cold joke on this train route, it should have a reputation as in, Safe travel in both directions, the top of the line food and service to all passenger’s, The Safety and Health of all passenger’s is our top priority on every trip, all safety checks performed prior to travel. FTF 370 Route. First Time Failure 3 dead, 70 injured. For everyone that signed the document on approval for this route, these people that trusted your vision paid a higher price at the Dupont corner, especially the 3 passenger’s that died. If it wasn’t for the good will of the driver’s on I-5, the People of Dupont, first responder’s, and bless you our military, WSP, local Police from all over, it could have been worse, much worse. Can this train stop when a big heard of wild deer or Elk block the tracks? Brag all you want about how wonderful this new improvement is going to make, and why not visit the family’s that paid the price, and brag about all the safety changes that are being made because they had to! now!
I am glad to see Sound Transit moving forward with the “Bullet train” to save 10 minutes!
Next move is Portland, OR and then Vancouver, BC .
This will allow RTA to tack on increased car tabs to areas where the trains pass through, even if Centralia doesn’t have a stop!
Think this far fetched!?! Read ST2 and 3 about adding areas that can be included as long as ST train or bus is used!
Wake up Washington!
Could somebody please tell me why some of that money that they invested could not have been put toward overpass or underpass. This seems very logical but that is a lost art.
A good question. Overpass would be years from now due to I-5 expansion, underground would be tricky and expensive with everything they would have to re-route or replace (power lines, water pipes, etc.).
Sound Transit hasn’t even got to Federal Way yet and they will ask for more $$$ via ST4 to complete the connection to Tacoma, promised in ST2!
Better they slow the trains down in urban cities especially in light of not all tracks have been reinspected after the heavy rains that gave derailed two trains during the recent heavy rains.
All to save 10 minutes? Really? I thought it was Washingtons Gov helping Big Rail speed up its freight trains on the old Point Defiance Line? State gov helping Big Biz MAKE MORE $$$$$.
FTF 370. You Betcha.
I hope your well-defined acronym sticks William.
Yvonne I will take a stab at this for you, its my best guess after being a train nut all my life. The surrounding ground by Dupont on both sides appears to be heavy in liquid, as in underground streams. Back in the day this was avoided like the plague, as in cost and rail laid per mile slowdown, not good, the foreman would loose his job, so the surveyor’s would look for better ground, hence the curve going towards the North bound I-5 traffic, cheaper, faster, on time, foreman gets to keep his job. As for today and the now thing, they don’t want to spend any more bucks than possible. It was a freight route at one time, now a less congested route so more Oil cars can come through the Port of Tacoma to the refinery for processing and shipment around the world. As you said one would think, if this whole idea had better thinker’s from the git go, those 3 men would most likely be alive today! As I said my best guess.
Today I passed over the RR Tracks at Exit 119 going East to Ft. Lewis. Both times a car in front of me stopped for the signal light in front of me and parked on the white line that you are supposed to park behind. If the RR signal was to go on they would have been hit by a cross arm coming down, backed into me, and i did leave plenty of room just in case, or shoot across the tracks. This happens day after day after day.
I would like to know the rate of speed the train will be going at Exit 119 before the slow down sign that was missed before.
Exit 119 is a very dangerous intersection and a bottle neck at times. A couple weeks ago the cross arms would not come up and the intersection, bridge, and exit from the Fort became a nightmare. I know because I became trapped in it.
This is all very sad because people will die again. This is not only about
DuPont, what about Lakewood and their 5 exits to the interstate that the train will cross. This is not only horrible news, but very sad news.
The published MAX Speed for this and all Trains going South or North is 30mph. Your doing the right thing, give yourself plenty of room like your doing, for every smashed car that doesn’t get it, they will get it when this Big Long arm comes crashing down on there hood or roof and the Insurance company will say, Tough on you fella, your fault, you pay!! This isn’t a accident, its driver’s who think there special and this will never happen to me, your doing fine, give yourself more room if need be, once there car is smashed they won’t do that again if there smart because the body shop will have the last laugh!
Thank you Mr. Marsh..
Very informative!