Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS, the voice of realtors for over 100 years, announced the recipients of the 2020 REALTOR® Awards. The REALTOR awards recognize outstanding achievement and service by member REALTORs® and affiliates. The 2020 award recipients are: REALTOR of the Year: James Fisher, Windermere Professional Partners This award recognizes exemplary service and contributions […]
Initial claims increased over the week while continued claims for regular benefits decreased April 4-10
During the week of April 4 – April 10, there were 17,281 initial regular unemployment claims (up 45.7 percent from the prior week) and 428,521 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (up 0.4 percent from the prior week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). The increase in initial claims was […]
Payroll employment shows strong gains for second straight month
Washington’s economy added 23,100 jobs in March and the state’s preliminary seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate decreased from 5.6 percent in February to 5.4 percent in March, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). Month Total Jobs (losses or gains) Unemployment rate 2019/2020 Unemployment Rate March 2020 – 22,300* 5.3 percent* 4.4 percent April 2020 – […]
237 new Pierce County COVID-19 cases, 1 new death confirmed Apr. 16
On April 16, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 is 207.6. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County and it includes a 6-day data lag. We confirmed 237 new COVID-19 cases and 1 new death, a woman in her 60s from Central Pierce County. Our totals are […]
Obituary Notices – April 17, 2021
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: David Robert DeBolt. Mountain View Funeral Home: Darrell L. Markham.
Lakewood City Manager April 16 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 16 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Governor signs Leavitt bill expanding assistance programs for struggling college students
Governor Jay Inslee signed into law expansion of programs to assist college students experiencing homelessness and those who were previously in foster care. HB 1166, sponsored by Rep. Mari Leavitt (D-University Place), builds upon existing pilot programs at community and technical colleges and four-year institutions. Those programs aid students with essential needs, including access to housing, […]
One step backward, two steps forward
By Bruce Dammeier, Pierce County Executive. Well, Monday was a tough day for Pierce County. As you undoubtably know by now, we’ve been moved back to Phase 2. The more restrictive rules go into effect April 16. Like many of our residents, I was frustrated by the rollback after all the work we have done […]
Motivation to be topic of April 19 Zoom Coffee Chat (and Change the World)
We’ll be taking the masks off pretty soon. It’s natural to wonder how we’ll get motivated for the challenging days ahead. Glad you asked. On April 19 at 9 am, I’ll be hosting three wonderful folks to discuss how they stay motivated. Virtual Event designer Christopher Johnson will offer tips on how to get yourself motivated, […]