The fire service has more than its fair share of challenges. From traumatic calls, seeing people in pain and suffering, risking firefighters’ own health for others whom they have never met, having an ever-changing schedule with lack of sleep, and solving problems in an instant – it is a recipe for mental health challenges. It […]
The Lakewood City Council May 24 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Study Session on May 24 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions on the City’s website.
Overnight lane closures begin on northbound SR 167 from Puyallup to Auburn
PUYALLUP – Beginning Monday, May 24, contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will begin daytime shoulder closures and overnight lane closures on northbound State Route 167 from Puyallup to Auburn. Crews are shifting travel lanes to create multiple work zones along nine miles of northbound SR 167 to build a northbound high occupancy […]
Initial and continued claims for regular benefits increased May 9-15
During the the week of May 9 – May 15, there were 19,619 initial regular unemployment claims (up 18.2 percent from the prior week) and 469,098 total claims for all unemployment benefit categories (up 7.6 percent from the prior week) filed by Washingtonians, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). Initial regular claims applications are now […]
Payroll employment growth slows in April but remains positive
Washington’s economy added 11,200 jobs in April and the state’s preliminary seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate stayed constant at 5.5 percent from March to April, according to the Employment Security Department (ESD). Month Total Jobs (losses or gains) Unemployment rate 2019/2020 Unemployment Rate March 2020 -23,100 5.3 percent* 4.4 percent April 2020 -385,800 16.3 percent* 4.3 percent […]
263 new Pierce County COVID-19 cases, 1 new death confirmed May 21
On May 21, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for April 29 – May 12 is 306.7. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 10.1 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 263 COVID-19 cases and 1 new death, a man in his […]
Obituary Notice – May 22, 2021
Hill Funeral Home: Darwin Rodney Thayer.
One more closure for Steilacoom Blvd on May 24
Lakewood Drive will close between Steilacoom Blvd and Flett Creek on Monday, May 24, 2021 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. as crews stripe the roadway (weather permitting). This is the finishing touch on the project – no more closures after this one.
Getting closer
By Bruce Dammeier, Pierce County Executive. I suspect many of you woke up last Tuesday morning and didn’t feel much different. The CDC and the Governor had announced changes in masking guidance for those who are fully vaccinated, and Pierce County was moved to Phase 3. But those of you coming into the office still […]