A press release from Clover Park School District. LAKEWOOD, Wash — Lakes High School junior Jacqueline Tapp and Clover Park High School junior Ernest Balezi received Elizabeth Wesley Youth Merit Incentive Awards. The award recognizes and honors African American youth in grades nine through 11 for academic excellence, community involvement and good citizenship. The Elizabeth Wesley Youth Merit Incentive Award […]
This sushi restaurant is moving in South Hill. Here’s where it’s going
This year will mark the second time Trapper’s Sushi in South Hill has moved. It’s for a good reason. The family-friendly sushi restaurant keeps outgrowing its spaces. By volume, the South Hill store is the busiest Trapper’s location of the 11 in the Puget Sound area. “The space is so much bigger,” said owner Trapper […]
Application for 14 single family homes filed in Steilacoom
A press release from Town of Steilacoom. An Application for preliminary plat of 14 single-family home lots at 1324 Union Avenue has been submitted to the Town of Steilacoom. To view the Notice of Development Application click on the following link: 1324 Union Notice
Washington State Redistricting Commission publishes four congressional district map proposals
A press release from Washington State Redistricting Commission. The four voting members of the Washington State Redistricting Commission (WSRC) each published their proposed congressional district maps today. The public can access the proposed maps on the WSRC website and comment directly on specific areas of each proposed map. “Now that draft maps are available for everyone to review, we […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed September 28
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On Sept. 28, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Sept. 6-19 is 567.0. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 11.0 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 435 COVID-19 cases and 3 new […]
Obituary Notices – September 29, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Xeric Leonard Hull. Mountain View Funeral Home: Richard (Dick) Flom; Lynn Reanier. Hill Funeral Home: Wanita M. Wilson.
Steilacoom High School Student Photograph to be Featured by Jones Soda
A press release from Steilacoom Historical School District. Roseshel “Ellie” Mock’s photograph, taken on wet plate, is one of six photographs selected by Jones Soda from the 2021 Washington State High School Photography Exhibit to be featured on 250,000 bottles of their soda bottles this winter. Ellie is a junior at Steilacoom High School. Her […]
Community Work Day at the Lakewood Wildlife Area, Oct. 2
Submitted by Alan Billingsley. A Community Work day (Saturday, Oct. 2, 9 am-1 pm) will take place at the Lakewood South Sound Wildlife are (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Road). The Fall Cleanup and install the next two benches on the trail system. Come join Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions clubs, Pierce […]
Creating Opportunity Through Accessibility
Submitted by Dan Bissonnette, Arivva Center for Arts & Technology. Two significant activities are underway at Arivva! We are preparing to launch our Clinical/Clerical Medical Assistant (CCMA) job training program and undergoing significant renovations. Arivva’s new home at the corner of Garfield and C Streets is on its way to becoming a world‐class facility filled […]