How many of you out there are sick and tired of junk mail? I am. Everyone complains about junk mail, but no one does anything about this insidious problem. I have good Leap Year news for you. Many of you know I am a closet inventor having invented many high demand inventions such as the […]
To Ponder
Letter: “Governments using their citizens as ATMs”
Also known as “policing for profit.” What do the following have in common? Backyard BBQ’s where the applied steak sauce yields – in the opinion of the smoke-detectors, aka Lakewood Code Enforcement Officers (CEOs) and Community Service Officers (CSOs) contracted with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) – too much pollution?
Letter: What can you do for $10,000?
Now that the Clover Park School District (CPSD) has announced it will put before the voters on Feb.9, 2016 a “replacement educational programs and operations levy proposition,” while not necessarily a levy-breaker this is nevertheless an opportune time to consider what you can do for $10,000. Ten-thousand dollars is the estimated price to purchase a […]
Westside Story – Passing The Buck
I have a couple of serious life and death stories I am not going to share with you today. Those stories date back to c1972 and c1985. Both tragedies occurred in and around the intersection of 75th St SW & Bridgeport Way SW. Today’s upbeat story is titled, Passing The Buck. My story title is […]
Westside Story – No More Traffic Deaths
I love my title, No More Traffic Deaths. Actually, it is not the title I love. I love the result my title describes, no more traffic deaths. Safe driving is something I think about and work on every day.
Letter: The little black(ened) books
It would be doing them a favor to call them nondescript. Decrepit would be far more descriptive. “The only thing left in the dirt and trash were these two old books, covers ripped off, quite plain looking for all intents and purposes, little revealing what lay inside. I picked them up, blew off the dust […]
Letter: Home for the Holidays – it wasn’t going to happen
There are hardly more frustrating experiences than having searched the house for the last piece of the puzzle. It doesn’t matter whether the puzzle is a simple pre-school child’s version of a mere handful of pieces, or a far more time-consuming, complex and complicated puzzle of a thousand little bits of funny-shaped and patterned cardboard.
Westside Story – Ghost Writer II
Do you remember my Halloween story from last month titled Ghost Writer? I have to say that first haunted photo showing the legs of a ghost was scary enough. Our sharp eyed publisher, Ben Sclair, spotted a second ghost near the bottom left corner of the Milford Antiques & Friends sign.
Westside Story – KPLU-FM Plays Low Notes & High Notes
I recently wrote a story titled Death of KPLU. While I do not wish to repeat my previous article, I do wish to add some follow-up information by providing you with a couple of links to other related stories.