There is enough conversation going on in national news about Use of Force by police departments to fill the Grand Canyon. In public meetings Lakewood’s police chief, Mike Zaro, often asks the question, “What percentage of arrests do you think involve use of force?” Most citizens think police use force in about 50% of the […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – No Shots Fired, Again
It is difficult, no impossible, to turn on the news most days and not hear about another officer involved shooting. I receive reports of cops and citizens dying every month all around the United States. Here is some City of Lakewood news you probably did not hear about. On March 28, 2016, several Lakewood Police […]
Westside Story – Beauty In Progress
Just a few words and some photography says it all. A sculptured archway through a 60 year old Laurel Hedge leading to hidden magical gardens located in the City of Lakewood is now draped with two year old Guernsey Cream Clematis, which is after all, beauty in progress.
Westside Story – Rolling Thunder
On Memorial Day weekend in May 2015, my good friends, the Canary brothers, Tom and Randy, invited me to join them along with one million of their close personal friends for a motorcycle ride called Rolling Thunder. Motorcycles from all over the country were heading towards Washington DC with one purpose and one purpose only. […]
Letter: Why we coach baseball
Or teach school. Or mentor kids. Or be a parent or grandparent. Or invest ourselves in any number of capacities in the lives of kids.
Westside Story – Save Your Child
On April 21, 2016, Mr. Chas Ames published an article in The Suburban Times titled, Just Another Lakewood Loss? If you have a child, grandchild, great grandchild, niece or nephew or maybe a kid in the neighborhood you love, I submit to you that Mr. Ames’ work is a mandatory read. Click my link above […]
Letter: Repeal the Bathroom Rule
“Repeal the Bathroom Rule” petitions are now available at Bill’s Boathouse, a Regional Petition Center for the “Just Want Privacy” Initiative I-1515. Stop by and pick up petitions to send to friends and family.
Westside Story: High Seas Darkness
Today I am going to write a book report. This is my chance to make up for an overdue high school book report I failed to submit to Miss Gertrude Hansen back in 1961. Miss Hansen’s impact on my life is significant and continues to this day, some 55 years later. She entered my life […]
Letter: Hot slots they’re not (so they say)
“People love to push buttons and hear bells and whistles and to see flashing lights,” argued Joan Mell, attorney for the Amusement Device Operators. As to flashing lights, some Washington State legislators are seeing red. So does Mell.