Ok, it was only a baby field mouse. But it’s still a life and I saved it from a crow. I’ve neither a great affinity for mice nor necessarily an aversion to crows although I did have a pet white rat with only one eye when I was in grade school and I very much […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – Two Bucks For Breakfast
Most of us know that in the City of Lakewood, we are, for the most part, peacefully co-existing with an abundance of wildlife, including deer. On numerous occasions we might see a doe. I have published several of my own photos of doe sightings.
Westside Story – Mole Busters
It is dark outside and tired inside, but I have a desire to do a little writing before I go lights out. What should I write about tonight? I know, I will use my recent visit to the Lakewood Hysterical Mole Museum as a springboard into my next story. Let’s talk moles. There are two […]
Letter: A ‘foot-in-the-door’ is, literally, Lakewood’s Rental Inspection Program (RIP)
Under the guise of yet another – five currently – program to address so-called “rental housing problems within the city,” Lakewood’s sixth – in the form of a proposed ordinance that is distinguished from the other five in that it would for the first time require access by city-approved inspectors to the interior of private […]
Letter: Character is forged in the crucible of failure
There’s a rooster that lives across the street. I think its internal clock is set for 3 A.M., then the snooze button resets for 4:30 A.M. It’s a good thing I’m hard-of-hearing, as it may wake me up, or it may not, as I don’t know if it actually crows. At least if it disappears […]
Letter: Why Lakewood’s Rental Inspection Program should R.I.P.
Now that the Lakewood City Council is on record as having expressed its “consensus to consider an ordinance to initiate a five year inspection cycle” of rental properties in the city (May 16, 2016 City Council Agenda), with a public hearing slated for June 20 and a vote by the council likely to take place […]
Letter: The only way we grow
“It is the storm that tries the strength of the vessel” W. Moodie, D.D. ‘No one takes any significant step of growth, or achieves a measurable change in personality except for the sharp stab of a crisis or the dull throb of frustration” Cecil Osborne.
Westside Story – Police Officer’s Routine Day
What is it like to be a police officer? Citizens can find out a lot by doing a one shift ride-a-long, but it actually takes a trained professional law enforcement officer 3 – 5 years before the officer has seen and experienced almost everything and finally can answer the question, “What is it like to […]
Westside Story – Welfare Check
On May 10, 2016, two City of Lakewood police officers responded to a 911 call near the 8800 block of Bridgeport Way SW for a welfare check. When the officers arrived, they observed a 91 year old woman inside. She could not get our of her chair.