It lay in the attic near the widow – the window such as it was. Eons of wispy cobwebs filtered what little light existed to barely reveal the presence of the old wooden crate nearly obscured in the semi-darkness.
To Ponder
Westside Story – Explosion – Fourth of July
It is the time of year when we celebrate the Fourth of July which means we are going to be surrounded by exploding fireworks. No surprise.
Westside Story – Lakewood Businesses Threatened
I am providing you with a list of four recognizable Lakewood businesses. Once you review the four business names and photos, I will pose a single question.
Letter: Lakewood’s Rental Inspector to be paid nearly 3x average household income
You’ll have opportunity to voice your opinion to the Lakewood City Council when it holds its public hearing on the proposed Rental Inspection Program (RIP) July 5, and while there have been a number of articles written about the matter in this publication here are some additional thoughts to consider:
Letter: Toilet taxes and rental inspectors
The King County Council wants to impose fees on septic systems. The Lakewood City Council wants to impose fees on rental units. King County’s Council wants “an easement onto private properties so that investigators can check septic systems.” Lakewood’s Council wants city-approved inspectors to enter private rental properties to check on all manner of things. […]
Westside Story – Rental Inspection Program
The City of Lakewood has proposed a brand new bureaucratic program called Rental Inspection Program or R.I.P. An opportunity for public comment will occur at Lakewood City Hall on July 5, 2016, at 7:00p. Reference Mr. David Anderson’s letter published in The Suburban Times on 06-25-16 for more details regarding R.I.P. For viewpoints on both […]
Letter: More introspection on Lakewood’s proposed Rental Inspection Program
If there’s already a process by which to uphold due process is yet another process – a sub-process if you will to, truth be told, five other processes, so that somehow realized is the cumulative purpose of all six processes – is that a solution in search of a problem?
Letter: ‘Probably his last trip’
There’s a fellow out on the water right now fishing in one of our rental boats who may not make it back. That was the gloomy assessment of his daughter who, together with a couple of his friends also on board, sighed over the phone when making the reservation that he is dying of cancer: […]
Westside Story – Guys & Dolls
Indeed, retirement is an adventure. Remember my sharing with you that I divided my life into three chapters? Chapter I – Business. Chapter II – Deputy Sheriff. Chapter III – The Arts. Recently while on the East Coast a long distance phone call brought a Chapter III opportunity my way. I was invited to join […]