A friend sent me a note on Facebook that he had just had his best hash browns ever at a new restaurant on South Tacoma Way. I was interested. I drove the block looking for a place to park. There appeared to be a spot on the corner of 57th & South Tacoma Way, but […]
To Ponder
Letter: Thank You!
Wahoo! In the mail today, the Crushers received a check for $100 from the only one who commented on the recent article published in The Suburban Times entitled “The Red Helmet.”
Westside Story – Old & New Lakewood Library News
I have to admit, my title is a bit of a head scratcher. While “New” news is easy to understand, “Old” news is a conundrum. When you think of it, if news is old, it is not really news; now is it? I am not going to change my title because if you are learning […]
Grocery Cart Theft – Someone Has to Pay!
I stopped in at Safeway to buy a few items. There were no shopping baskets by the door. I went looking around the check out lines and found nothing. I finally asked a cashier who said, “We don’t have any. We’re expecting some today.” I know that people steal shopping carts for transporting their purchases […]
French Pastry: A Fancy Delight
I don’t want to know their names. I don’t want to know them intimately. I try not to dream of their fancy delights. They are an occasion of sin. Oh, please . . . keep thee behind me, Satan. Of course I’m talking about French pastries. A friend stopped in several days ago with a […]
Crossword Puzzles Not So Puzzling
While my young nephew visited one afternoon he mentioned wanting to write secret notes. I didn’t want to delve into his needs for secret notes, and so I changed the subject. But thinking it over since then, I plan to give him a couple of crossword puzzle books for his birthday. Although often in trouble […]
Letter: The Red Helmet
For lack of a better marker for the farthest Whiffle Ball hit during the soft-toss batting practice competition the other night, the red helmet was moved progressively back as the 11-and-12-year-olds strode to the plate, swung for the fences, and raised arms overhead, each successively claiming the distance record.
Home from Home: Immigration
Submitted by Susanne Bacon I was born German, and I am now an American citizen. It sounds easy. And, for me, it probably was in comparison with what other people have to undergo. But it is not as easy as some people think. No, you are not automatically American when you marry an American citizen. […]
Letter: Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Columbine, Parkland – bottom line, we really don’t care
“Why is No One Talking about the Violence of Popular Entertainment after Parkland?” Douglas Murray headlines his piece in “National Review” this March 2. “A culture that encourages enjoyment of horrific violence alongside a sort of flippant approach to its consequences cannot be helping matters.”