A stage reading is a theatrical production without sets or elaborate costumes. The actors, reading from scripts, sit or stand with only minor movement. Sometimes a stage reading is done to try out a new play, so the playwright or director can get a feel for the audience reaction. Often a stage reading is used […]
To Ponder
Westside Story – First & Last Ride
It was back in the mid-1940s when I gave my darling baby sister, Peg, her first vehicle operation lesson by pushing her off the top of Seattle, Washington’s Queen Anne Hill in her all metal baby stroller with sharp rusty edges and no seatbelt.
Letter: Dads and daughters, why they matter
Stormy Daniels, whose birthday is today, is one reason. As I’m writing this, a father and his two daughters came down to go fishing at our lake-front public dock.
Center Street Deli Market – Restaurant Review
Billing itself as a Multinational Delicatessen, the Center Street Deli Market grocery store and restaurant is a great place to shop. My wife and I stopped in for lunch. Language is a bit of a problem. I took Russian in high school because it was the language of the future. I quit after one semester, […]
Bridge Over Troubled Water a Big Hit in the Milking Shed
I watched a program on the Science Channel. The focus was animal behavior and their feelings. One of the studies was about cows. The conclusion was that cows who were happy or contented with their handler produced more milk. Handlers that were calm, patted the cattle, and exhibited kindly and friendly behavior resulted in higher […]
Letter: When will the tide change in our country?
My dad, piloting solo, was heading south along the Puget Sound shoreline and had left the wheel of his pride and joy – the inboard plywood boat he’d built – to address a matter near the stern. Unseen ahead was a sandbar which, had dad attended to proper steersmanship, he would have avoided.
Riding Robots and SOTABots to Houston
Representatives, headed by high school senior Addie Bjornson (wearing the dark jacket), of SOTABots attended the March meeting of the Projects Committee for the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8. The Rotarians were awed by the enthusiasm and determination of the students. Student team members learn problem solving skills designing, constructing and programing high-performing robots. The […]
Home from Home: Shoes
Submitted by Susanne Bacon Not every woman loves buying shoes. I, for example, am one of those who don’t. Though I certainly have enough pairs to complement my diverse styles and color schemes of clothing. What strikes me most these days is how my shoe styles have changed. And how it has been dictated by […]
Westside Story – Joseph Boyle Photo & Video Dictionary / Wet Bar
Shortly after publishing my The Suburban Times article, Westside Story – Do What I Say, Brother Joseph, Tom Canary, an avid reader in Kentucky chastised me for having a defective photo. He considers the photo a complete and blatant insult to his entire family tradition.