The doorbell rang and I opened the door to greet a Rotarian and a young blonde girl named Marketta, with a sore arm. The Rotarian was soon off, but Marketta Vanamo is still with us . . . forever I think . . . as a friend to delight our hearts. At the time Marketta […]
To Ponder
Letter: At the River
The word for ‘behold’ in Hebrew means “to gaze, to perceive, to contemplate.” To ‘behold’ then suggests that time, a relatively long time, is given to look thoughtfully, profoundly even, peering into the distance. To ‘behold’ also suggests then that you are alone with your thoughts, and in a setting where what you see and […]
Let’s Talk! – Between Attic and Basement
Have you switched off your screens and are ready to ponder and/or discuss another prompt from my friend, author Tyrean Martinson’s book A Pocket Sized Jumble of 500+ Writing Prompts? I have lived in quite a few different homes with a number of floors to the houses. But it is the term “attic” that resonates […]
Fried Tilapia is High on the List
I enjoy cooking tilapia for both breakfast and dinner. Although tilapia is new to many American eaters, the history of the fish goes back to Ancient Egypt. Tilapia is an affordable and nutritious food, and it can be part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is a good source of protein and is relatively […]
Letter: In A World Where You Can Be Anything
In a world where you can be anything, be kind. On the eve of what would have been our 52nd Anniversary there occurs every year on that date this proverb: “What is desirable in a man is his kindness,” Proverbs 19:22. Kindness. Not macho-ness; not prowess; but kindness. Le Clerc, in his commentary, believes the intent […]
Across the Fence: Mitteleuropa
Today’s Germanism in the English language is one widely open for interpretation, although it might not seem so at first sight. The term Mitteleuropa (pronounce: ‘mittle-oy-‘ro-pah, meaning Central Europe) can be used politically, physiographically, or cultural-historically. And as, over the millennia, there has been a lot of migration and wars, its references have kept shifting […]
Letter: Be The Man
Why men like Martin matter. Martin VanSoest was my father-in-law. Which meant I married his daughter, Lennie, fifty-two years ago this coming July 22. On that day I will be deep in the wilderness, camping alone. My wife isn’t with me on the trail anymore. We lost her battle with cancer just months after our […]
Letter: Inadequate spay neuter clinic access prevents control of feral cat population
Submitted by L. Gorrow. I moved from King County to Pierce county (Tacoma) two years ago. I noticed what appeared to be homeless cats and kittens in my back yard and neighborhood. I had not experienced this in King County. Over time I have learned that two of my neighbors feed homeless cats. The problem […]
Letter: Taken for granted, until you need them
Submitted by JoAnn Jackson. Many County facilities are taken for granted, until you personally need them. During a recent post here, I’ve seen the Humane Society’s name mentioned twice. Many just skip over their reports. Monday I was grateful for their existence. Why? My 13 year-old dog had escaped the night before. He got out […]