My wife Margie and I live alone in a nice neighborhood, it’s not expensive, although what isn’t these days? We always drive the same way in and out to visit our favorite grocery store and our favorite hardware store. Our kids come over every now and then to visit and see how we are doing. We are not ancient; we still get around and enjoy ourselves and our friends.
We were having dinner with friends; they are also like us, living together while the younger ones have moved elsewhere. We were enjoying ourselves after a great dinner and were just chatting about the Seattle Seahawks and wondering if the Seattle Storm was going to make some kind of comeback this year. Of course, we live in Pierce County on the edge of Lakewood and University Place.
My buddy Jack and I were waiting for pie and ice cream, when I remarked, “I’ve seen the strangest of things lately. Not every day, but close to it, I see this little girl sitting on a thick towel on the edge of her yard just feet away from traffic. I’ve seen her coloring and scribbling and looking at the cars as they go by. I haven’t approached her . . . you know, and have people think I have sexual ideas.
My buddy spoke up for me and said, “At your age I don’t think most people would be worried about our sexual ideas.” I remarked back and said, “Funny, very funny. Let’s keep it to ourselves. But I am worried about the little girl.” “What little girl?” Jack’s wife Bonnie asked. “You aren’t talking about Judith are you?” I replied quickly, “Who is Judith?” It looked like Bonnie knew everything. Bonnie said, “Her father was on an oil rig just off the Texas Coast and he disappeared a couple of weeks ago. He promised to bring her a stuffed puppy. They are renting their house and can’t have animals.”
I should have known to ask a woman. “Anything else you can tell me?” Bonnie responded, “I think the father was looking at reopening one or two oil wells in Burleson County.” My wife broke into the conversation. “Remember I’ve been following the output possibilities of Aunt Patty’s property along the coast for Burleson County. I’ve been suggesting we go down there for a week or two to touch base with my aunt and check out income possibilities.” I just sat there with my mouth open and shrugged my shoulders.
We left for Texas two days later. My lovely wife, Margie had not told me that we were already involved in a percentage. That good news was enlightening. Once in Texas, I walked the beaches of Burleson County. I chatted with people about drilling, Texas, and untimely storms.
For my furthest walk I saw a small cabin along the beach and was greeted by a friendly soul, named William. We talked and enjoyed our conversation. He asked “Where are you from?” “I responded “University Place in Washington.” William, nodded and said “I think I’ve heard of it.” His smile changed to a frown and said, “University Place? I was just dreaming about a little girl in University Place, looking for a little dog, I think. I’m a little foggy from a fall I took a while back.” I said, “I think there’s someone back home who’s excited and waiting for you.”
Back home a day and a half later, I pulled my car up to the curb where Becky sat waiting. We had not delivered the good news until we knew Dad was on his way. While Margie ran to tell mom, I walked over to Judith and said, “Your father will be home this afternoon. He sends his love.” In an instant Judith jumped up and gave me the biggest hug I have ever had. I can still feel the kiss on my cheek.