Submitted by Don Doman. Sometimes we get comfortable and forget that we need to expand our efforts, our limitations, and our horizons. This goes for individuals as well as communities, organizations, and countries. If we don’t seek to expand our knowledge we run the risk of stunting our growth both spiritually, mentally, and physically. I […]
To Ponder
Home from Home: Ice Cream
Submitted by Susanne Bacon Hot summer days in my German 70s childhood are connected with the taste of juicy, tangy peaches and – ice cream. I will never forget the cold strawberry taste on Sunday afternoons when my parents took my brother and me for walks, usually dipping into a tiny corner pub just to […]
Hydrogen Fleeting In California
Submitted by Don Doman. I read the article in the Seattle Times with anticipation. The headline read First U.S. hydrogen fuel-cell ferry will serve Calif. Red and White Fleet, is a family-owned business in the bay area and has operated since 1892. President Tom Escher said, “It’s very exciting.” He wants to run his entire […]
Golfing for Charity and Scholarship
I played once at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. I had a nice hit on the first tee. Our foursome went to our balls. My friend John Post looked at my drive and his drive and said, “I don’t recall the last time I was out-driven by a 32 handicap.” Often you just get […]
Help is Waiting . . . If You Need It!
If people don’t know you need help, how can they help you? You might ask, “Why should they?” The answer is that people helping people is a natural phenomenon. It’s just something we do. A study by the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology proves that humans are born with the instinct of assisting others […]
Learning From Defeat – Victory Sets Us Free
I enjoyed a History Channel presentation on Gladiator History & Times the other evening. It featured the story of the gladiator Verus. He was one of the only gladiators to have one of his fights written about blow by blow. He said he learned more from defeat than from victory. Verus was captured by the […]
Letter: Police pursuit, yes or no?
It’s a long-running debate, one back in the headlines again, as police from both the Pierce County Sheriff and Lakewood Police Departments gave chase to a reported stolen vehicle according to Kenny Ocker in the Tacoma News Tribune, June 21, 2018.
Buttered Biscuit and Tons of Gravy – Restaurant Review
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten at the Buttered Biscuit in Sumner when the parking lot wasn’t full and no one waiting in line. Father’s Day was the same crowd, just a different celebration . . . and families are usually celebrating something. The Buttered Biscuit is a family style restaurant. Downstairs, where you enter, […]
Home from Home: Fireworks
Submitted by Susanne Bacon It’s this time of year again – Independence Day firework sales are soon beginning everywhere. Wait, not everywhere – only on native American reservations. And possession is restricted as well. I’m not entirely bewildered by the concept. In my German past, there were restrictions as well.