My wife and I celebrated Labor Day with a trip to Anthony’s at Point Defiance. We ordered mussels as an appetizer. If you have never tried mussels, you should. Besides being tasty, they are good for you since they contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B-12. Fisherman and author Paul Greenberg once told NPR, “Because […]
To Ponder
Can Parsnip a Day Keep the Heart Doctor Away?
Every time I go to lunch or dinner at Pacific Grill in downtown Tacoma, I ask about their soup. I keep hoping they will have parsnip soup. They offered it before, and I pray they will bring it back. Parsnips are harvested all year round, but most easily available from September thru January. The parsnip […]
Westside Story – Cell Phone Etiquette
The photo below depicts two young people proving a child can grow all the way into their 20s and not yet learn any courtesy or social intelligence when it comes to cell phone etiquette. Any parent claiming either of these two young ladies as their daughters should ask themselves, “Where did I go wrong”? Yes, […]
Westside Story – Lakewood Ordinance Forbids Selfies
There is no doubt. Technology has brought us smartphones capable of accomplishing amazing things including photography. It was bound to happen. People have taken smartphone photography too far. Now we have what is known as the selfie. There ought to be a law against selfies. Why? I will show you why. Check out my selfie […]
Home from Home: Household Items
The other day, I was vacuuming my house and was totally in deep thoughts when, all of a sudden, my vacuum cleaner died on me. The sudden silence woke me out of deep contemplation about a plot twist in my next novel, but I knew immediately what had happened. The plug had fallen out of […]
Bacteria-Powered Solar Cells
Foggy days are beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest. The islands disappear, but you can still see the waves and occasional birds and movement. When the forest fire smoke enters the equation, however you don’t even want to walk along the shore. Your eyes burn and it’s difficult to breathe. Overcast and forest fire smoky […]
Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead in Deadhorse, Alaska – Part IV
Submitted by Joe Boyle. This world exploration style story comes to you in four parts. Click on any or all of the following links to access any parts previously published you may have missed. Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead In Deadhorse, Alaska – Part I Westside Story – The Twilight Zone […]
Mars As Seen from Your Board Room or Your Garage
Submitted by Don Doman. Mother very thoughtfully made a jelly sandwich under no protest. That’s a mnemonic device for remembering the planets in our solar system in order from our sun outward (Mercury, Venus, Terra, Mars, asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranis, Neptune, Pluto). We are the third planet from the sun, and the fourth smallest […]
Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead in Deadhorse, Alaska – Part III
Submitted by Joe Boyle. I am presenting this wind in your face adventure story in four parts. Click on any or all of the following links to access any part(s) previously published you may have missed. Westside Story – The Twilight Zone – Almost Dead In Deadhorse, Alaska – PART I Westside Story – The […]