Like most officers serving the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD), I was conscientious about making sure I knew what was expected of me based on our PCSD Policy Manual. Following the rules came into play when I worked the day-watch at the front desk as a Court Security Officer in the County-City Building. A woman […]
To Ponder
Across the Fence: Mail
Last weekend was a 3-day-one for federal employees. Because Monday was a bank holiday. Yet it seems that this doesn’t go for everybody employed by the United States Postal Service (USPS). I saw several USPS vehicles in different parts of the region on Sunday. And my heart went out to their drivers because here I […]
Westside Story – Voter's Pamphlet – Lieutenant Cyndie Fajardo
Our Pierce County Local Voter’s Pamphlet for our forthcoming General Election on November 3, 2020, arrived by mail recently. I cracked the pamphlet open and dove into page 12 to read the two candidate statements for Pierce County Sheriff. Having been associated with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department for 23+ years, I am very familiar […]
Letter: Lonely
“Beep, beep, beep, beep ….” As Harry Nilsson listened to the incessant sound indicating a busy signal, he wrote the words to a 1968 hit song which became known for its opening line: “One is the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.” Is there any more poignant single word to describe how we sometimes feel […]
Westside Story – Don’t Be An Idiot, Wear Masks
Following our recent Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, controversy has been running rampant regarding wearing masks. Our government, who I know wants to help us, strongly supports wearing masks to prevent medical maladies to one and all. That is precisely why when I was hanging out at Topside Coffee Cabin (TCC) in Steilacoom, sipping and slurping espresso […]
Letter: Ordinary People
On Tuesday, December 20, 2011 The New York Times Magazine ran its annual special section entitled, “The Lives They Lived.” Through social media, the magazine had put out a request to readers asking for photographs of loved ones who had passed in 2011. Hundreds of images poured in. The vast majority of those pictured were […]
Burs of Lakewood Restaurant Review
Earlier this month I read in The Suburban Times that Burs Restaurant in Lakewood had reopened. My wife, Peg had her birthday on October 11th, a Sunday. It had been ages since I had eaten at the classic, down home, family restaurant, so I thought breakfast at Burs on her birthday would be a great […]
Letter: A Message From The Heart
At exactly 8:30 a.m. every day the phone rings. The call has been triggered by a signal sent from his heart. Following his heart-valve replacement surgery, this heart message is his daily reminder to put the cuff on his arm and install the finger clip. Then it is time for his morning walk. His steps […]
Rings Have a Mind of Their Own – The Tolkien Tenet
As pointed out in J.R.R. Tolkien’s book, The Lord of the Rings, rings have a mind of their own and can choose when to leave the finger. I saw this myself for the first time as I walked along the floating boardwalk at the Tacoma Yacht Club. A gold ring flew off my finger, bounced […]