This is the type of show we love and CenterStage is the best choice for the production. Every year Peg and I can hardly wait for CenterStage and their yearly “panto.” “Pantomime, also known as “panto”, is a type of musical comedy stage production designed for family entertainment. . . Pantomimes take traditional stories and […]
To Ponder
In the Book Nook with … Lelina Durrette
Author Lelina Durette just moved from Dickinson, Texas to Evansville, Indiana, where she will work as a case manager for IPMG. She has been writing since childhood, but her first book wasn’t published until 2023. She is an active member of the writing communities on Instagram, Threads, Facebook and X; her website is When […]
Letter: There Wasn’t Much Time
The sun was setting, its reflection interrupted by slender strands of intermittent light and then dark ripples that lay like ribbons upon the otherwise glass-like surface of the water. The scene was irresistible to my dad and I who loved these fishing trips together, brief though this one would be as there wasn’t much time […]
Deloris – Targeting people, the wind, and the rain – by Wright Park
Deloris, the day before she had just had her hair done, paid the rent down and the extra bit to cover wild parties or any accident’s that might happen one way or another. She knew there were no wild parties for her in the offing. Today, she brought in two suitcases and a bag of […]
Letter: Closing Senior Centers Will Cause Hardships to the Most Vulnerable
Submitted by Claire Brown. In 2018,Eastside Community Center opened in 2018 combined the senior center and boys and girls club into one location serving the entire community. They now want to assimilate Lighthouse. My experience dictates that it will cause hardships for your seniors. When I joined, 20-25 seniors used the larger gym for SAIL […]
Letter: What A Catch!
Dry flies, streamers, and bead head nymphs. Check. Tapered leaders and spools of tippet. Check. Fly box. Check. Nippers and forceps. Check. Flotant. Check. Strike indicators. Check. Split shot. Check. Boots, wading staff, jacket, St. Croix fly rod and reel. Check. Beautiful day on the picturesque Doe River below the nearly 150-year-old covered bridge to […]
Jofry’s mother named her son after Joffrey a made-up character she had once heard of who almost rose to become a king. The real Jofry on the other hand never rose to be much of anything . . . however. He was called to service during the war in Vietnam, but he couldn’t pass the […]
Letter: Returning Home
“Bandits at 4 o’clock!” shouted the older brother, mimicking the voiced alarm of the pilot. “Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat” the older brother also responded, rotating the imaginary ball turret toward the approaching imaginary enemy fighter. Next was the sound of a staccato rhythm from tracers raking the side of their aircraft. The little brother, still in diapers, repeated […]
Marianne – Nurse Moves In – A Lakewood Short Story
Marianne shared an apartment with three other women, which meant sharing a bed with one of them. There were two bedrooms, a tiny living room, and a kitchen. She could have done better money-wise, but the other three seamed nice and she was fine with the location. There was a nice, large park just two […]