Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt during dinner tonight? You want to know about my thoughts on it? Here’s my take: Have you ever heard tea whistling? Me neither. I bet the association with this prompt was a different one. I assume it was about a […]
To Ponder
Across the Fence: Umwelt
Today’s Germanism in the English language is quite a philosophical one. But don’t be daunted – I’ll try to deal with it as I’m tearing the term apart. Umwelt (pronounce: ‘oomm-valt, meaning the world around) is a word that has become a big political, ecological, and economical topic. Interesting enough, its roots are in the […]
The Snits Battles
A Short Story… My mother used to complain about some of my friends and even a cousin or two arguing. It struck me that she and her sister must have had a snit or two in their early days and probably even more when they were darn near or completely grown. Having a snit was […]
Letter: Towers of Babel in the Modern Era
Submitted by Aaron Arkin. According to Genesis Chapter 11 of the Bible, the Tower of Babel was built to reach the heavens by a united humanity. God, observing this arrogance, resolved to confuse humanity’s previously uniform language, dooming the project and preventing any such future efforts. Still, with mathematics the lingua franca of architects and […]
In the Book Nook with … Willow Hewett
Author Willow Hewett from Wells, the smallest city in England, is a caregiver as well as an author and illustrator. She published her first book last March, though her journey began years earlier with writing short stories. Finally, she took the plunge and released her debut novel—a story she originally wrote at just 13 years […]
Letter: Dumpster Dating
Every Thursday is dumpster pickup day. Which means Wednesday is dumpster fill day. When we were dating, I’d ask her if she wanted to go to the dumpster with me. And she always said yes, because – even though our destination was the dumpster -together was where we wanted to be. Now that we’re married, […]
Books Stores Are Dangerous
A Short Story… Jerry had a problem. He had loved books ever since he was a child. He married a woman who also loved to read. As they aged however, they had eye and other medical problems. Jerry’s wife Malinda had died six months earlier and now he just felt like he would be heading […]
Letter: A Frog and Daisies
One year ago, on February 8, I wrote about that day. That day, then, was a special day. This day, today, exactly one year later, is a special day. On that very day, one year ago, following the death of my wife nearly a year previous, I had decided it was time to clean out […]
Letter: Pluralism
Submitted by Greg Alderete. Pluralism, often praised as a strength of democracy, can be manipulated into a tool of division, serving the interests of those in power rather than the people. Throughout history, leaders who seek to maintain control have understood that the greatest threat to entrenched elites is a unified working class. To prevent […]