One of the best quality of life indicators in a community is the existence of, and the investment in, the local park. As long as it has a metal slide and a merry-go-round.
To Know
Letter: ‘Your dog bite?’
‘No,’ replied the lady walking along the sidewalk, a dog trotting nearby. So he reached out his hand to pet the dog and came away with bloody fingers. ‘I thought you said your dog didn’t bite!’ ‘He doesn’t. That’s not my dog.’
Letter: Put the homeless to work
Could the homeless be made to pick up their own trash? Can you get blood from a turnip? Our community of late is not immune from what our city manager has called “a national epidemic.” We’ve recently seen an influx of folks taking up residence in a wooded section near the town’s entrance.
Westside Story – Tupperware Party
How about that 3rd and final Presidential Debate? Yes, while it was mistakenly billed as the last presidential debate, there is a much larger 4th and final presidential debate coming up on November 8, 2016. Charlie Black of The Wall Street Journal reported that no matter who wins the presidency, a record-breaking number of Americans […]
Letter: America – “caught in the fatal drift of Niagara”
The red-white-and-blue 18-foot home-made plywood runabout was sinking. First among the clues was the sluggishness of the steering. Wallowing among the slight depressions between the waves rather than cutting a course straight on, his pride-and-joy was becoming less and less responsive.
Letter: Wherefore art thou, Woodbrook Middle School?
Lakewood city government leaders want the Clover Park School District’s Board and Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) to hurry up and decide to do what all apparently say is inevitable: demolish and relocate Woodbrook Middle School.
One of my wife’s favorite reasons to watch TV is the Antiques Roadshow – “part history lesson, part treasure hunt.” I admit that seeing the appraiser’s estimate of the prized possession – and the resulting flabbergasted expression on the face of the owner – for the keepsake that had been hidden away in the attic […]
Letter: Warning – Major Storms Threaten the Pacific Northwest
The excerpts below come from a weather alert linked here that my sister, who lives just over a sand-dune from the ocean in Long Beach, WA, has been tracking. She’s coming to stay with us here in Tillicum. Even so, last time we had such severe weather, many in our Tillicum community had to cut […]
Letter: Sagacity, the saga of a city and why RIP is so wrong
All beavers, unlike many bureaucrats, are known for sagacity: “foresight, discernment, or keen perception; ability to make good judgments.” That’s why RIP is so wrong, RIP referencing Lakewood’s Rental Inspection Program, or Rental Housing Safety Program as it is wont to be known. RIP is audacious but not sagacious.