A news story from Clover Park Technical College. The Advancement of Active Military and Veterans in NDT Recognition acknowledges individuals or organizations who encourage active military and veterans to enter and thrive in the field of NDT, either through creation and/or implementation of programs that provide educational or career advancement opportunities in NDT that may […]
To Know
Initial regular claims increased slightly while total claims for all benefits decreased the week of Aug. 29
A press release from Washington State Employment Security Department. During the week of August 29 to September 4, there were 5,205 initial regular unemployment claims, up 2.6 percent from the prior week. Total claims filed by Washingtonians for all unemployment benefit categories numbered 257,702, down 5.6 percent from the prior week. Initial regular claims applications […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed September 10
A press release from Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department. On Sept. 10, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Aug. 19-Sept. 1 is 676.7. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 17.5 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 414 COVID-19 cases and 3 […]
Obituary Notices – September 11, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Larry Thompson Watson Sr.; Ursula Michelle Gilstrap. Mountain View Funeral Home: Maxine K. Leppanen; William (Bill) E. Ruth; Virgilio “Gil” Carmen Villagracia. Hill Funeral Home: Timothy Thompson.
Steilacoom Town Administrator September 10 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s September 10 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Lakewood City Manager September 10 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) September 10 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Litters of Kittens Dumped Outside at Tacoma Shelter
Submitted by Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. TACOMA, WA – On the morning of September 9, two litters of kittens ranging from 4 to 9 weeks old were found abandoned outside at the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. Two kittens were found in a cardboard box at one of the shelter’s […]
Installing curb and gutter on the west side of Stadium Way from S. 4th Street to I-705 starts this week
A press release from Sound Transit. Crews will install curb, gutter and some sidewalk panels on the west side of Stadium Way, going from S. 4th St. to I-705. This work started on Sept. 7 and will take about 10 days. In addition, crews are replacing the test track on the west side of Stadium […]
“Puyallup in World War II” presented by Hans Zeiger, Local Author and Historian
Submitted by Karen Chapman, Program Chair, Pierce County School Retirees Association. Hans Zeiger, will be the guest speaker for our Sept 16th virtual luncheon meeting. Hans is an author, local historian, and a member of the Pierce County Council. He also serves as a Trustee for the Washington State Historical Society. During graduate school in […]