T-Town Rocks Music Festival is thrilled to announce their debut event will be held on July 3rd, 2021 at The Waterfront Venue at Narrows Marina (9007 South 19th Street, Tacoma, WA). Featuring local artist Ruthie Craft, the BGP band, and Grammy Award winning artist Sir-Mix-A-Lot, all proceeds from the festival will benefit local non-profits. T-Town […]
To Do
Walk the Original 1843 Fort Nisqually site
Submitted by DuPont Historical Society. The DuPont Historical Society and Museum are sponsoring walking history tours of the original 1843 Fort Nisqually site on Saturday June 19, 2021. The tour will be offered at 1:00 and again at 2:30 p.m. The original 1843 Fort Nisqually site is located on Center Drive, DuPont WA across the […]
Pierce County Master Gardener Saturday Talks
Submitted by Pierce County Master Gardeners. Puyallup – Glass Artist and Master Gardener Cynthia LaFleur – Art in the Garden – June 12, 10-11am, Zoom –Ideas for spicing up your garden with artistic accents. Learn to incorporate art to complement your garden. Session will be via Zoom following is the link:https://wsu.zoom.us/j/94891668998?pwd=S1lGV2p6UGZzbGcyV3RBd0JheFdkdz09Meeting ID: 948 9166 8998Passcode: […]
Pig War of 1859 program planned online for June 13
Submitted by Walter Neary, Historic Fort Steilacoom. Join us 2 p.m. PT on Sunday, June 13, for an online talk by historian and author Mike Vouri about the Pig War of 1859 in Washington Territory. Long before the San Juan Islands were a vacation destination, they were the focus of an international crisis ignited by […]
Slices of Nature
Pierce County Parks provides some nice slices of nature if you can’t get out of town. Good weather and a long weekend allowed for a few extra dog walks to enjoy. It is always a good feeling to be out in nature and nice when you can find it close to home. The two Pierce […]
Virtual Art Class Brings Purpose to People Living with Dementia
Submitted by Lutheran Community Services Northwest. “The sessions always start with a song,” Bernie says with a grin on her face. Her husband, Dick, smiles too, because that’s the effect they have on us. “What song?” I ask. “Usually ‘This little light of mine,’” and we all smile again because the song is perfect. It […]
Lemonade Day Lakewood – It’s More Than A Day
The Lakewood Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the growth of the economy and to support the job providers in our community. We believe it’s never too soon to teach kids about the excitement (and challenges) of being an entrepreneur. That’s why we’re excited to roll out Lemonade Day Lakewood, engaging local school kids with […]
An Auction for Lakewood: Check it out
Since 1956, Lakewood Rotary has donated more than $3 Million to making Lakewood a better place. Our latest fundraiser is June 5, one day only. Some great items are to be had, with the knowledge that your participation will help many in your community. Email chairperson Nicole Hancock at nhancock@alliancelg.com for registration information (free sign up!).
Legacy of the Puget Sound War – Continuing the Conversation
On Thursday, June 10, Fort Nisqually Living History Museum will host the second in a series of virtual panel discussions with diverse communities impacted by the Puget Sound Treaty War. The June panel will focus on the era leading up to, and including, the signing of the Medicine Creek Treaty. The Puget Sound Treaty War […]