Pacific Lutheran University announcement. About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with random mutations. Student teams study plants in PLU’s warm, sunny… Read the rest of the announcement […]
Obituary Notices – February 9, 2023
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Shirley Joan Tronsgard. Mountain View Funeral Home: Clifford Patrick Grace; Richard Norman Severson. Powers Funeral Home: Harold Lowell Minnick; Leyland Patrick Eversole. Hill Funeral Home: Bette Rowlett; Denise Franklin. Gaffney Funeral Home: Michael Robert O’Reilly.
Five Reasons Why You Can’t…
Submitted by Greg Rediske. …volunteer to coach a baseball team in the Lakewood Baseball Club: Do yourself, and your community, a favor. Volunteer. The parents are always a great help. If you’re worried about a lack of baseball experience, coach a T-Ball team. The skills are very basic: how to throw, how to swing a […]
Discuss the Future of the Lakewood Library
Office of Jani Hitchen, Pierce County Council, District 6 announcement. Pierce County Library System Executive Director Gretchen Caserotti will again join Councilmember Hitchen for a conversation and update on the Lakewood Branch – Pierce County Library on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 6 pm at Harrison Preparatory School (9103 Lakewood Dr SW).
Pierce Transit Invites Comment on Fare Amendment Proposal
Pierce Transit announcement. Pierce Transit invites the public to provide feedback on proposed fare amendments. The chart below demonstrates existing Adult fares and proposed ORCA LIFT fares. Existing Fare Types ORCA LIFT Adult ORCA Monthly Pass $72.00 $36.00 Adult PT-Specific Pass (30 day rolling) $62.00 Adult Cash $2.00 Adult ORCA e-purse $2.00 $1.00 Adult ORCA […]
Time to slow down in Lakewood
City of Lakewood social media post. Time to slow down people. Friday (Feb. 10) Lakewood Police and officers from neighboring agencies will be in Lakewood conducting speed emphasis patrols throughout the city ALL DAY. Tickets will be issued. You have been warned.
“A Night at the Sands” A Tribute to Frank Sinatra
Submitted by Susan Berven, Lakewood Elks. “A Night at the Sands” A Tribute to Frank Sinatra starring Joey Jewell as Sinatra! Jim Kerl’s Swinging Sixties Orchestra will perform with Joey Jewell. Chris Anderson will sing the music of Michael Buble’. Special guest Sue Nixon. TICKETS $25 per person includes one Complimentary Cocktail or Beer, and […]
Tidy-Up Tacoma collects 2,000 pounds of trash in January
City of Tacoma social media post. We collected nearly 2,000 lbs. of garbage/debris in January through the Tidy-Up Tacoma initiative! Below are some before & after photos from across Tacoma. More info on this litter/graffiti removal effort, including the schedule of cleanup locations
Rotary Club of Lakewood February Student of the Month: Grace Rodgers
Rotary Club of Lakewood announcement. Rotary Club of Lakewood named Steilacoom High School senior Grace Rodgers the February Student of the Month at its Feb. 3 meeting. Grace Rodgers is an exceptional student who loves to challenge herself academically. To date, she has completed 14 rigorous Advanced Placement (AP) courses that may be used to […]