It never occurred to me that the German term Jugendstil (pronounce: ‘you-gant-shteel, i.e. youth style) might have made it into the English language. On the other hand, I knew that Art Deco was NOT the equivalent; neither was Nouveau Art. When I was a child and teenager, one of my favorite books was a history […]
In the Book Nook with… Katherine Krige
Author Katherine Krige from London, Ontario, Canada, offers editing services and has been a Social Media Manager for several local small businesses when she is not writing for a living ( She has always kept journals, but only published her first book in 2021. She is a member of her local Shut Up & Write […]
Let’s Talk! – Forgiving and Forgetting
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. What a concept! It is not entirely Biblical, by the way – I looked it up. Just the concept of forgiving is. “Just.” To me, the most superhuman prayer […]
Across the Fence: Hausfrau
Have you ever come across the Germanism Hausfrau (pronounce: ‘howse-frouw, literally house woman) in the English language? I have to admit I haven’t. I only learned the English terms housewife and the much prettier one, homemaker. Housewife and Hausfrau to me have a different vibe from homemaker. The first two seem to focus on a […]
In the Book Nook with … E.R. Phoenix
Author E.R. Phoenix from Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, used to be a science teacher for eleven years and a fitness instructor for ten before she became a full-time writer in 2023. She began writing when she was eleven; her first book was this year in April. She is a member of a local Indie Authors […]
Let’s Talk! – Thin Ice
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. One of my first memories is standing on a frozen pond as a toddler. The next moment, a tall boy on skates ran me over, never turning back. It […]
Across the Fence: Zeitgeist
You have most certainly heard if not used this Germanism in the English language, Zeitgeist. Germans pronounce it with a “ts” in the beginning, ‘tsite-guy-st. It translates as spirit of the time and means exactly that. The term itself has not always been around, though the phenomenon has. I would almost go so far as […]
In the Book Nook with … Matt Mememaro
Author Matt Mememaro from Queensland, Australia, works as a medial administrator. He first started writing when he was eleven or twelve, then took a long break, as school and life took over. He rekindled it at 17 for a few years only, to take another long break again until recently. He is determined not to […]
Let’s Talk! – Tail-Wagging Happiness
Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. I have never owned a dog. I guess that is what one associates first and foremost with tail-wagging. Man’s best friend, a canine that loves unconditionally and defends its […]