Has anybody of you ever been to a European-style Christmas market? One that is built like a small town of cozy huts decorated to the nines and located in a town center, not inside a building? It was one of my annual joys to go see the small-town ones around my native town of Stuttgart, […]
Advent Calendar December 10: Caroling
What would Christmas be without music? Without singing? I’m not talking the untimely endless-loops in supermarkets and craft stores that start playing way too early in the year in order to remind us to consume in time for the holidays. I’m talking about taking up an instrument and playing it with friends or family or […]
In the Book Nook … Kizzie Jones
Author Kizzie Jones lives in Edmonds, WA, with her dachshunds and her partner Thomas Wert. A dachshund lover, Kizzie has been owned by many dachshunds, models for the dynamic dogs in her children’s stories. Her books, some also available in bilingual editions, have won multiple awards; “A Tall Tale about Dachshunds in Costumes: How MORE […]
Advent Calendar December 9: Hot Beverages
Everybody loves a hot drink when coming in from the cold. Or when standing outside at a Christmas market booth. The traditional drink in Germany is Glühwein aka mulled wine. Back in thee day, you either bought it at an event or you had to make it from scratch. As in buying sachets that you […]
Advent Calendar December 8: Ice Skating
What do kids do when puddles suddenly grow a skin? They slide on them. My German childhood winters were cold enough to have ponds frozen with a solid skin of ice. Solid enough to last us for sliding to our hearts’ delight and, later, for ice skating. I remember even walking miles to a pond […]
Advent Calendar December 7: Nuts
Nuts were a big item in Christmas bakery but also just for snacking during my childhood. Hazelnuts were cheaply available anywhere, whether grated or whole. Californian almonds were an all-year-around treat, too, their price just as low as that of hazelnuts although imported from so far away! And we received boxes of nuts from my […]
In the Book Nook with … Pauli Pedersen
Author Pauli Pedersen lives on Fox Island, WA and has been enjoying an active life of teaching, raising five charming children, and performing as a classical singer. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and an indefatigable spirit, she finds wonder in her family history. She began writing her memories of her dad’s struggle […]
Advent Calendar December 6: St. Nicholas Day
December 6 is a great day for children with a German background – they get a glimpse of Christmas joy. No way close to that Dutch children get on this day, but still. This morning, their first steps will be to their homes’ front door to find what St. Nicholas has stuffed into their boots […]
Advent Calendar December 5: Baking
One of the most rewarding activities during advent is baking cookies. First of all, it’s something also children can participate in – so, it’s a great family activity. Second, you get something homemade for days on end (if you pace yourself eating them). And third, your entire home simply starts smelling delicious – no air […]