Submitted by Don and Peg Doman. A while back Georgia and I had moved into our new house, just shy of our 10th wedding anniversary. It wasn’t our home yet, but we so wanted it to feel welcoming, with the joy of a family home and not just a house. Georgia had furniture from her […]
Being Frank is a Problem
A Short Story… The Fugitive is what some friends called him; his real name is Frank. Frank was also frank about himself and his actions. At the age of forty he still had the body of a twenty year-old. He still exercised and ran a few miles almost every single day. He had lost his […]
Lorena and a Nice Street Income
A Short Story… “Boring . . . just plain boring. I haven’t had a fun date for weeks. I hate my job and people just seem stupid.” She was thinking this, well actually saying it out loud to herself as she was driving back home to her apartment as the sun slowly dimmed. She stopped […]
William Modem and Baldfaced Lies
A Short Story… Although it looked as if William had been bald from the moment he was born, the reality was that he went bald around the age of seventeen. In high school he had whatever fuzz he still had shaved off. William liked to pretend he was just being “cool” and above other people. […]
Judy Dennison On Stage
Judy had a hard time as a child; her brothers were sports kids. Her mom and her dad had treated the boys like princes and Judy like a poor, confused, loser. While the boys and the parents were out at some ball game of how many god knows what exercises and runs around a track, […]
The Wayward Wind
A Short Story… While my wife slept the night away, I was up repeatedly to pee of course, but only because I was actually awake and listening to the rain and more. The trees were in constant motion, I didn’t see any limbs come down, but I was willing to bet in the daylight there […]
Waiting with a Little Hope for the Best
A Short Story… Jessie had gone to bed early. He worried and worried and then his eyes grew heavy and slowly his breathing began a familiar movement as the muscles in his neck relaxed and he slept. In the morning . . . too soon in the morning, his eyes opened and Jessie’s mind went […]
A Wife’s Birthday Greeting
A Short Story… As soon as I heard my wife leave the house I got out of bed. I had been pretending to sleep. I was proud of myself for preparing to celebrate her birthday. I had things all planned in my head. I should have known that my head was the wrong place to […]
From Being Ignored to Being Best Friends
A Short Story… Did you ever have friends you felt sorry for? They had certain habits . . . a funny voice, odd movements or reactions that just made you cringe. They joined in singing and they were always off key. People might just keep away from them but they became your friends and you […]