My wife and I stood at the trailhead where I reminisced about the hike my dad and I had taken over a half-century before. As I reflect now upon the loss of my wife to cancer after 50 wonderful years together, I think how walking that trail with my dad was so like our married […]
Devastating Woodbrook Fire Main Topic at August 8 Tillicum Meeting
Scott Adams, Assistant Chief with West Pierce Fire and Rescue, will be joined by Daniel Wirth, Executive Director serving South Puget Sound and Olympics, American Red Cross – Northwest Region; John Caulfield, City Manager of Lakewood; and Jeff Miller, Principal Tillicum Elementary. The regularly scheduled second Tuesday-of-the-month Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting will be […]
Letter: I’ll Find Her Among the Flowers
You would think that after 50 years married to my wonderful wife, my dearest treasure, my life-long traveling companion, I would have learned by now how to find things when I’ve lost them. “Where was the last place you used them?” is what she would say. She reminds me still, even though not five months […]
Letter: We Climbed the Mountain
On the higher slopes of the mountain, just below the timberline but in an alpine meadow that stretched forever, we sat in awestruck silence, the air hot and still, the white blossoms of the wildflower beargrass like signposts, pointing to mountain peaks on the far distant horizon. We had climbed here, through no little difficulty, […]
Letter: An Ocean Without Water
The sign read, “Ocean Beach Access” but below that “No Water.” I smiled as I passed this sign on my recent trip to the coast. The message was a reminder of a happier time, now however marked by sadness. The last time I was here I was accompanied by my wife, celebrating our anniversary, then […]
Letter: A Breakwater Doesn’t Stop the Tears
The couple walking by were total strangers to me, so it was a bit awkward, and that’s how I began as I approached them. “This is a bit awkward,” I said, holding out my cell phone. “I was wondering if you would take my picture sitting up there on the rocks. See, normally my wife […]
Letter: Face to Face
Pink and blue, their petals like soft blankets wrapped snuggly about them, the flowers peered back in recognition. We’d chatted before. I think that’s why they do so well, why they show off, why they’re happy to see me. “Some people rise in the morning hoping a new day will bring peace after a perplexing […]
Letter: Two Must-Haves I Dare Not Leave Home Without
I admit that my life anymore is an open book, the pages tear stained. It’s a sad story, at least this current chapter. I must remember before leaving the house to be sure to have a handkerchief in my pocket. Someone will ask me how I am doing and that will be all it’ll take. […]
Letter: So Far Away
She’s been gone four months ago today. And today, again, I’ll water the flowers. Because it has been so dry for so long. As I change the spray nozzle on the hose from the ‘Shower’ selection to ‘Mist’ so as not to damage the delicate blossoms, I will then kneel in the wet grass bordering […]