As I entered the kitchen this Thanksgiving morning to get my cup of coffee, there on the stove was a pie, made by our daughter, decorated with a simple tulip in honor of her Dutch mom, my wife.
And just like that the tears started.
Don’t ask me to pray today as the family gathers for our first Thanksgiving in 50 years without her. It’s not because I am not thankful but rather because I would struggle with the words.
In fact, I have so very much to be thankful for. All who I will be surrounded by today are because of her love for me.
An adopted daughter wrote from Montana of the “mamma-shaped hole” she has in her heart.
So, there are, and will be, tears.
But laughter also because that too describes our family.
One of the reasons I am wiping away tears and laughing at the same time as I write this is because of a Thanksgiving memory.

My wife and I were grocery shopping for Thanksgiving last year and I pointed out to her that there was only one jar of my favorite pie mixings on the shelf – Mincemeat – with the conclusion obvious: I was not an anomaly. People loved Mincemeat Pie. One jar left was proof.
“Mincemeat Pie is a traditional – TRADITIONAL (my emphasis) – dessert containing fruit, pecans, brandy and citrus zest,” I wanted to tell her then but in fact I just looked it up to see what was in it.
Also, by way of full disclosure. I am the only one in our family who likes Mincemeat Pie hence I get the whole pie to myself.
“No, sweetheart” she responded there in the store that day. “The reason there is only one jar of Mincemeat on the shelf is because nobody wants that stuff. It’s probably outdated.”
So back to that pie on the stove.
Turns out it is Mincemeat Pie, purchased by my ever-frugal, ever-thoughtful, Dutch wife.
Because it was 50 percent off.
And because she loved me.
Have a most wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!