We met at the University of Washington.
That first day on campus I was lost.
With over 500 buildings, occupying over 20,000,000 million (as in million) square feet, the University of Washington was, to me, during Orientation Days, as foreign as the Orient and I was as forlorn a freshman as was ever admitted on campus.
But I found her.
Fortunately for me, and for the rest of my life, and for the four children, and 10 grandchildren, I did not go back home that day like I did the first day of Kindergarten.
When the ‘U-dub’, as it later became known, closed in 1863 it was for lack of attendees. That was not the problem in 1968 when I wandered about with the 34,000 others that were responsible for the tremendous growth of students that made up “the golden age.”
She was one in 34,000. Literally, one among thousands, tens of thousands.
And I found that one.
From “the golden age” of University life, to our golden anniversary, I, and so, so many others will be forever thankful, this day after Thanksgiving, and the days and years ahead, that I found that one.
Family-group photographs on these special days of Thanksgiving and Christmas will never be the same.
Oh, we will smile, and we will be genuinely happy because we are together as a family. We are so very blessed to be so very close.
The tears, however, are also genuine. Because she is missing now from the portrait.
The one I found that day when I was lost.
Life goes on.
It does. And how precious the gift of life is!
Isn’t it miraculous that when we least expect it we might find the one person who is right for us? I have a beautiful mind movie now that makes my day. Thank you, David! May your Advent season be blessed.
And may yours be blessed as well Susanne!
Every story you write mentions the passing of your wife. I know it must be hard. I don’t fault you for it. In a short year or two ahead my wife will be in the same boat due to my terminal cancer.
And I ask her not to focus on the loss, but what she has gained. You have gained wonderful children and grandchildren. You lived a joyous life together. Think not of the loss, but how much better your life is today because of her.
Thank you, Don, for your perspective. Of course, you are right in focusing on so, so many blessings the years together brought us. And I think those blessings become far more precious in looking back and looking forward because of what so precious being lost.
I hope readers of what I write come to the same conclusion as you when the end of the journey approaches – how much better their lives will be because of the memories being made now.
I look forward to your writing!!! Last year I lost my son then my mother 20 days later. I have been looking for a grief group with no luck.
Hi David good day hope u can read my message.si amaze in reading ur sweet memories to your wife.and pain in your heart is still there because of her lost.i can feel it coz at early age my hubby left me too early and untimely,it’s been 23 years but untill now I can feel the pain of losing him.G9dbless Us both and may our dear Lord give us strength to overcome this sadness.Merry Christmas and happy new year…Godbless us,Susan Molina