From sunrise to sunset, from start to finish, from beginning to end, from east to west, from Washington to Tennessee, grandeur, and beauty, and majesty, and glory, and royalty, and dignity are on display. Encompassing all, the whole earth with respect to all its inhabitants and creatures are witnesses and are given pause and cause […]
Letter: Treasure Hunting
The filtered sunlight through the fog-enshrouded trees drew us irresistibly upward along the split-rail fence that initially bordered the trail and served as a safeguard from the rocks below. This protection, perched at the edge of the cliff, soon gave way to a sign warning of slippery trails and ever-increasing heights, and yet the hope […]
Letter: Celebrating Love and Life
The weathered limbs, sparsely adorned with greenery, attached to spindly trunks, hung motionless atop the bluff, overlooking, as if contemplating, the wide expanse of sea. A lone seagull appeared between heaven and earth, wings seeming never to move, soaring, as if celebrating, effortless and free. Far-distant snow-capped peaks rose above the haze that had settled […]
Letter: Had We Been in a Hurry
We could have hurried home, as that was initially the plan, even though the distance yet to travel was not insignificant. After all, we had work to do. But we didn’t. We lingered, watched, mesmerized. Had we been in a hurry, we would have missed standing arm-in-arm as the sun slowly settled into the sea. […]
Letter: My Brother and The Big Fish
He forgot his rain gear though he luckily had, or at least he thought he had, an umbrella stashed somewhere on board and besides, he didn’t really have time to prepare further for this moment of opportunity. The fish were calling. He would go. He just knew it. He would answer. This was going to […]
Letter: Charlotte’s Web
This past summer when I wandered for 100 miles in the wilds of the mountain range wilderness, I saw one spider web. One. Just one. In all those many miles, just one web. I was camping at Anderson Lake in the Cascades which seemed like a long way from anywhere but I needed to be […]
Letter: Shattered Dreams…Then Came You
“There’s no easy way to say this. It’s gone. It’s all gone.” The words of the fireman that early April morning could barely be heard above the roar of the flames, the sirens of fire trucks still arriving, the crackle of burning timbers as sparks rose high into the night sky. The fisherman statue that […]
Letter: Just Around the Bend
We have it mounted on the wall of our home to remind us. We were on our way to church that morning and saw the rays of the sun piercing through from the heavens above, lingering wisps of clouds hovering over the river, the wider, calmer, deeper water giving way to the ripples of the […]
Letter: Slay the Dragon
The label read “doesn’t help you slay the dragons per se, but the vitamin c does help you slay, in general.” The problem was this particular bottle appeared to be having an off day. He was a bit cockeyed, his cap tilted to the side, perhaps stifling a yawn as if not ready to get […]